10 Hypoallergenic Cat Breeds for Allergy Sufferers

by beaconpet
10 Hypoallergenic Cat Breeds for Allergy Sufferers

If you’ve always dreamed of having a furry companion but suffer from allergies, don’t despair! There are many hypoallergenic cat breeds that may be a perfect fit for you. These breeds have lower levels of Fel D1 protein, a common allergen in cats. From the elegant Balinese Siamese and Oriental to the glamorous Devon Rex and hairless Sphynx, there is something to suit every cat lover. While these breeds may vary in coat type and characteristics, they typically shed less and require regular brushing to minimize allergens. However, it’s important that Beaconpet reminds you that individual reactions can vary, so you should spend some time with a cat of your desired breed before making a final decision. With the right precautions and the perfect hypoallergenic cat, you can finally bring joy into your home without worrying about allergies.


10 Hypoallergenic Cat Breeds for Allergy Sufferers

Coat type and characteristics

The Balinese is known for its long, silky coat that resembles that of its cousin, the Siamese. The coat is dense, fine, and has minimal undercoat, which reduces the amount of hair shed. The Balinese also has a sleek and muscular body, with a graceful appearance.

Allergen levels

The Balinese is considered to be a hypoallergenic breed, as it produces fewer allergens compared to other cat breeds. The Fel D1 protein, which is a common allergen in cats, is present in lower levels in the Balinese. This makes them a suitable choice for individuals with allergies or sensitivities.

Grooming requirements

Despite their long coat, the Balinese has relatively low grooming requirements. Regular brushing is recommended to prevent matting and to minimize shedding. Additionally, occasional bathing can help to reduce the amount of allergens present in the coat. Overall, the Balinese is a low-maintenance breed in terms of grooming.

Cornish Rex

Coat type and characteristics

The Cornish Rex has a unique coat that is characterized by its soft, wavy curls. The coat is short and fine, with minimal shedding. The Cornish Rex also has a slender and muscular body, giving them an elegant and athletic appearance.

Allergen levels

Similar to the Balinese, the Cornish Rex is considered to be a hypoallergenic breed. They have lower levels of the Fel D1 protein, making them a good choice for individuals with allergies. The minimal shedding of their short, curly coat further reduces the amount of allergens in the environment.

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Grooming requirements

The Cornish Rex has minimal grooming requirements due to its short coat. Regular brushing is still recommended to remove loose hairs and to maintain the coat’s natural curl. However, frequent bathing is generally not necessary with this breed. Overall, the Cornish Rex is a low-maintenance cat when it comes to grooming.

Devon Rex

Devon Rex

Coat type and characteristics

The Devon Rex has a coat that is highly unique and distinct. It is characterized by its curly, short, and plush texture. The coat feels soft and velvety to the touch. The Devon Rex also has a slender body with large ears, giving them an elf-like appearance.

Allergen levels

The Devon Rex is another hypoallergenic breed that produces lower levels of allergens. The Fel D1 protein, which is known to cause allergies in some individuals, is present in reduced levels in the Devon Rex. This makes them a good choice for people with sensitivities or allergies.

Grooming requirements

Despite their unique coat, the grooming requirements for the Devon Rex are relatively low. Regular brushing is recommended to remove loose hairs and to maintain the coat’s texture. Bathing may be necessary occasionally to keep their skin and coat clean. Overall, the Devon Rex is a low-maintenance breed in terms of grooming.


Coat type and characteristics

The Javanese has a coat that is long and silky, similar to the Balinese. However, their coat is fuller and more substantial. They also have a sturdy and muscular body, with a graceful presence.

Allergen levels

The Javanese is considered to be a hypoallergenic breed due to its lower levels of allergens. The Fel D1 protein, which can cause allergies in some individuals, is present in reduced amounts in the Javanese. This makes them a suitable choice for people with allergies or sensitivities.

Grooming requirements

The Javanese has moderate grooming requirements due to its long coat. Regular brushing is recommended to prevent matting and to maintain the coat’s luxurious appearance. Occasional bathing may also be necessary to keep the coat clean and reduce allergens. Overall, the Javanese requires regular grooming to keep their coat in top condition.


Coat type and characteristics

The Oriental has a short and sleek coat that lies close to the body. They come in a variety of colors and patterns, with a slim and muscular body. Their coat is low-shedding, which is a desirable feature for individuals with allergies.

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Allergen levels

The Oriental is considered to be a hypoallergenic breed, as they produce lower levels of allergens. The Fel D1 protein, which can trigger allergies, is present in reduced amounts in the Oriental. This makes them a suitable choice for people with sensitivities or allergies.

Grooming requirements

The Oriental has minimal grooming requirements due to its short, sleek coat. Regular brushing is still recommended to remove loose hairs and maintain the coat’s glossy appearance. Bathing may also be necessary occasionally to keep their coat clean. Overall, the Oriental is a low-maintenance breed when it comes to grooming.

Russian Blue

Russian Blue

Coat type and characteristics

The Russian Blue has a short, dense coat that feels plush to the touch. The fur is known for its unique shimmering effect, giving the breed an elegant and regal appearance. The Russian Blue also has a muscular and agile body.

Allergen levels

While the Russian Blue is not typically considered a hypoallergenic breed, many people with allergies report fewer symptoms when in contact with them. Although they do produce the Fel D1 protein, their lower levels of shedding and minimal grooming requirements may result in fewer allergens in the environment.

Grooming requirements

The Russian Blue has low grooming requirements due to its short, dense coat. Regular brushing is recommended to remove loose hairs and maintain the coat’s lustrous appearance. However, their short coat does not require frequent bathing. Overall, the Russian Blue is a low-maintenance breed in terms of grooming.

Selkirk Rex

Coat type and characteristics

The Selkirk Rex has a unique and distinct coat that is characterized by its soft and curly texture. The coat can be either long or short, and the curls are present all over the body. The Selkirk Rex also has a muscular and sturdy body.

Allergen levels

The Selkirk Rex is not typically considered a hypoallergenic breed, as they can still produce the Fel D1 protein at moderate levels. However, their low-shedding curly coat may result in fewer allergens in the environment, making them a potential option for individuals with milder allergies.

Grooming requirements

The grooming requirements for the Selkirk Rex vary depending on the length of the coat. For long-haired Selkirk Rex, regular brushing is recommended to prevent matting and to maintain the coat’s curl. For short-haired Selkirk Rex, occasional brushing may be necessary to remove loose hairs. Bathing may also be needed to keep the coat clean. Overall, the Selkirk Rex requires regular grooming to keep their coat in good condition.


Coat type and characteristics

The Siamese has a short, smooth coat that lies close to the body. They come in a variety of colors, and their blue almond-shaped eyes are a defining feature. The Siamese also has a sleek and elegant body.

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Allergen levels

The Siamese is considered to be a hypoallergenic breed due to its lower levels of allergens. The Fel D1 protein, which can trigger allergies, is present in reduced amounts in the Siamese. This makes them a suitable choice for individuals with allergies or sensitivities.

Grooming requirements

The Siamese has minimal grooming requirements due to its short, close-lying coat. Regular brushing is still recommended to remove loose hairs and maintain the coat’s sleek appearance. Bathing may also be necessary occasionally to keep their coat clean. Overall, the Siamese is a low-maintenance breed when it comes to grooming.



Coat type and characteristics

The Siberian has a thick and fluffy coat that is known for its ability to withstand harsh weather conditions. The fur has a triple coat, with a soft and dense undercoat and guard hairs that provide insulation. The Siberian also has a strong and muscular body.

Allergen levels

The Siberian is often considered to be a hypoallergenic breed due to its lower levels of allergens. The Fel D1 protein, which can cause allergies, is present in reduced amounts in the Siberian. However, it’s important to note that individual reactions may still vary, and spending time with a Siberian cat before making a final decision is recommended.

Grooming requirements

The Siberian has moderate grooming requirements due to its thick, triple coat. Regular brushing is recommended to prevent matting and to remove loose hairs. The dense undercoat may require more attention during shedding seasons. Occasional bathing may also be necessary to keep their coat clean. Overall, the Siberian requires regular grooming to maintain the health of their coat.



Coat type and characteristics

The Sphynx is a unique breed that is known for its hairless appearance. However, they are not completely without hair and may have a fine layer of downy hair on their body. Despite their lack of coat, the Sphynx has a muscular and sturdy body.

Allergen levels

The Sphynx is often regarded as a hypoallergenic breed due to its lack of fur. Without fur, there is a reduced amount of allergens, including the Fel D1 protein, present on their bodies. This makes them a suitable choice for individuals with allergies or sensitivities.

Grooming requirements

Despite their lack of fur, the Sphynx still requires regular grooming. Their skin may produce oils, which will need to be cleaned with gentle wiping or bathing. Additionally, the lack of fur makes them more susceptible to dirt and debris, so regular cleaning is necessary. Overall, the grooming requirements for the Sphynx may be different from other breeds, but they still require regular care to keep their skin healthy.

In conclusion, there are several cat breeds that are considered hypoallergenic and may be suitable for individuals with allergies or sensitivities. These breeds have different coat types, characteristics, and grooming requirements, but they all have lower levels of allergens, making them potentially less problematic for people with allergies. It’s important to spend time with a cat of the desired breed before making a final decision, as individual reactions to cat allergens can vary. Regular grooming and cleaning can also help reduce allergens in the home.

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