14 Asian Cat Breeds: Turkish Van, Japanese Bobtail, Korat, Singapura, Bengal, Siberian, Persian, Himalayan, Siamese, Turkish Angora, Khao Manee, Birman, Burmese, Oriental Shorthair

by beaconpet
Turkish Van

Explore the fascinating world of Asian cat breeds in this informative article. From the majestic Turkish Van with its love of water to the intelligent and talkative Siamese, each breed has its own characteristics and qualities. Explore the origins, appearance, weight and lifespan of 14 Asian cat breeds, including the Persian, Bengal and Burmese. Some of these beloved cats have been around for centuries, while others are fairly new to the scene. Get ready with BEACONPET to be captivated by these friendly, intelligent and beautiful cats from Asia.

Turkish Van

Turkish Van


The Turkish Van is a strikingly beautiful and unique cat breed known for its distinctive coat pattern and love for water. This breed features a semi-longhaired coat that is predominantly white, with splashes of color on the head and tail. One of the notable characteristics of the Turkish Van is its “van pattern,” where the colored patches are limited to the head and tail, while the body remains white.


Turkish Vans are medium to large-sized cats, with males typically weighing between 10-20 pounds and females weighing slightly less. They have a muscular and athletic build, giving them a strong and agile appearance. In terms of lifespan, Turkish Vans generally live for about 12-17 years.

One of the most fascinating traits of the Turkish Van is its love for water. Unlike most cats, Turkish Vans enjoy swimming and playing in water. This unique characteristic sets them apart from other breeds and provides hours of entertainment for their owners.


As the name suggests, the Turkish Van is believed to have originated in Turkey. This breed has a long history dating back several centuries and is considered a natural breed. Turkish Vans are mainly associated with the Lake Van region in eastern Turkey, where they were initially found. Over time, they gained recognition and popularity in other parts of the world.

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Physical Appearance

The Turkish Van’s physical appearance is truly captivating. As mentioned earlier, the breed has a semi-longhaired coat that is primarily white, with color patches on the head and tail. The colored patches can come in various shades, including red, cream, black, and blue. The coat is silky and soft to the touch, requiring regular grooming to prevent matting.

Along with its distinct coat pattern, the Turkish Van has mesmerizing eyes that can be amber, blue, or odd-eyed (each eye a different color). These striking eyes, coupled with the breed’s elegant and graceful stance, make the Turkish Van a truly eye-catching and beautiful cat.

Japanese Bobtail

Japanese Bobtail


The Japanese Bobtail is a unique and unmistakable cat breed originating from Japan. As the name suggests, this breed is known for its distinctive bobbed tail, which is a result of a genetic mutation.


Japanese Bobtails are generally small to medium-sized cats, with males weighing between 6-10 pounds and females weighing slightly less. They have a slender and athletic build, giving them a nimble and agile appearance. In terms of lifespan, Japanese Bobtails typically live for about 9-15 years.

One of the defining characteristics of the Japanese Bobtail is its short, pom-pom-like tail. Unlike other tailless cat breeds, such as the Manx, the Japanese Bobtail’s tail is not completely absent, but rather uniquely shaped. The tail is usually short and resembles a fluffy puff, adding to the breed’s charm.


The Japanese Bobtail has a long history in Japan and is deeply intertwined with the country’s culture and folklore. It is believed that these cats were brought to Japan from China over a thousand years ago. Throughout history, the Japanese Bobtail has been highly valued and even considered a symbol of good luck and prosperity in Japanese culture.

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Physical Appearance

Aside from their bobbed tail, Japanese Bobtails have several distinguishing physical features. They have a graceful and slender body, with long, agile legs that allow them to move with ease. The breed’s head is wedge-shaped, with large, almond-shaped eyes that can be in various colors, including blue, green, gold, or odd-eyed.

Japanese Bobtails come in a wide range of coat colors and patterns. Some of the common colors include red, white, black, and calico. Their short coat is luxurious and plume-like, requiring minimal grooming.




The Korat is a captivating cat breed known for its stunning silver-blue coat and sparkling green eyes. Originating from Thailand, this breed has a rich history and is regarded as a symbol of luck and prosperity.


Korats are medium-sized cats, with males weighing between 8-10 pounds and females being slightly lighter. They have a muscular and compact build, giving them a sturdy and well-balanced appearance. In terms of lifespan, Korats typically live for about 10-15 years.

One of the remarkable characteristics of the Korat is its striking coat color. The breed’s coat is a uniform silver-blue, which is considered a rare and desirable trait. The short, dense fur enhances the coat’s shimmering effect, making the Korat truly captivating to behold.


The Korat cat has a deep connection to Thailand’s culture and mythology. It is believed to have originated from the Ban Khor region in Thailand, where it was highly regarded as a symbol of good luck and prosperity. Korats were traditionally given as gifts to bring good fortune to their recipients.

Physical Appearance

The Korat’s physical appearance is both elegant and distinctive. Apart from its silver-blue coat, the breed has a slender body with a well-defined musculature. Korats have a heart-shaped face adorned with large, expressive green eyes. The eyes are often compared to the “look of the moon in the water,” further highlighting the breed’s beauty.

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Along with its lovely coat color and vibrant eyes, the Korat has a peculiar feature known as a “silver lock.” This silver-tipped hair that grows between the cat’s shoulder blades is considered a sign of good luck and is highly valued in the breed.




The Singapura is a small but mighty cat breed that captures hearts with its adorable size and affectionate nature. Despite its small stature, this breed is packed with personality and charm.


Singapuras are tiny cats, with males weighing between 6-8 pounds and females weighing slightly less. They have a compact and muscular build, giving them a sturdy and well-proportioned appearance. In terms of lifespan, Singapuras typically live for about 11-15 years.

One of the most endearing traits of the Singapura is its affectionate nature. These cats have a reputation for being extremely friendly, loving, and sociable. They enjoy being the center of attention and will happily cuddle up with their owners for hours on end.


The Singapura hails from Singapore, where it earned its name. Despite its small size, the breed has a big presence in Singaporean culture. Singapuras are seen as a national treasure and even have a monument dedicated to them in one of the country’s parks.

Physical Appearance

Though small, the Singapura is a cat that stands out. It has a muscular and well-developed body, giving it a surprising level of agility and athleticism. The breed’s head is rounded, with large, almond-shaped eyes that are usually a warm, amber color. The coat is short, silky, and comes in a ticked tabby pattern, resembling the coat of a wild hare.

Singapuras have a distinctive appearance that adds to their appeal. Their small size and distinct coat pattern make them easily identifiable, and their friendly and affectionate demeanor further endears them to cat lovers around the world.

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