250 Game of Thrones Inspired Dog Names

by beaconpet
Game of Thrones Inspired Dog Names

Are you a Game of Thrones fan looking for the perfect name for your new furry friend? Look no further! Beacon pet has compiled a list of 250 Game of Thrones inspired dog names, ranging from popular characters to unique choices. Whether you’re a fan of House Stark or House Targaryen, you’re sure to find a fitting name for your dog on this list. From Arya to Tyrion, there’s a wide range of great sounding names to choose from. So, embrace your love for the series and find the perfect name that suits your dog’s personality and your Game of Thrones fandom.

Game of Thrones Inspired Dog Names

If you’re a fan of Game of Thrones and are looking for a unique and fitting name for your furry friend, look no further! This list of Game of Thrones inspired dog names has something for every fan. From noble House Stark to fiery House Targaryen, there’s a name that will perfectly suit your dog’s personality. So whether you’re a loyal Stark supporter or a fierce Targaryen fan, read on to find the perfect name for your canine companion.

Game of Thrones Inspired Dog Names

House Stark Dog Names

If you’re a fan of House Stark and their dedication to honor and loyalty, these names will be a great fit for your dog. Here are some popular House Stark dog names:

  • Arya: Inspired by the intelligent and independent Arya Stark, this name is perfect for a smart and adventurous pup.
  • Bran: This name is a nod to Bran Stark, the young and mysterious character with a connection to the supernatural.
  • Catelyn: Pay tribute to the strong and resilient Lady Catelyn Stark with this elegant name.
  • Robb: Name your dog after the honorable and charismatic Robb Stark, the eldest son of Ned Stark.
  • Sansa: Name your regal and refined female dog after Sansa Stark, who transforms from a naive young girl to a savvy leader.
  • Jon: Honor the iconic Jon Snow, the bastard son of Ned Stark who becomes a prominent figure in the series.
  • Ned: Pay homage to Eddard “Ned” Stark, the honorable and beloved patriarch of House Stark.
  • Rickon: Name your energetic and fearless pup after Rickon Stark, the youngest member of House Stark.
  • Lyanna: If you want a unique and feminine name for your dog, consider Lyanna, inspired by the brave and mysterious Lyanna Stark.
  • Grey Wind: This name is perfect for a loyal and fierce dog, just like the direwolf belonging to Robb Stark.

House Targaryen Dog Names

For fans of House Targaryen and their iconic dragons, these names will be a great choice for your dog. Here are some popular House Targaryen dog names:

  • Daenerys: Honor the Mother of Dragons by naming your dog after the powerful and compassionate Daenerys Targaryen.
  • Viserys: Pay tribute to the ambitious and tragic Viserys Targaryen with this regal name.
  • Rhaegal: Inspired by one of Daenerys’ dragons, this name is perfect for a strong and majestic dog.
  • Drogon: Name your dog after Daenerys’ largest and most ferocious dragon with this bold and powerful name.
  • Viserion: This name is perfect for a graceful and elegant dog, just like Daenerys’ golden dragon.
  • Aegon: Honor the legacy of the Targaryen kings by naming your dog after one of the ancient rulers of Westeros.
  • Aemon: This name is perfect for a wise and noble dog, just like Maester Aemon Targaryen.
  • Rhaena: Pay homage to the brave and kind-hearted Rhaena Targaryen with this unique and feminine name.
  • Baela: Inspired by one of the legendary dragonriders of House Targaryen, this name is perfect for a strong and fearless dog.
  • Rhaenys: This name is perfect for a graceful and elegant female dog, just like the Targaryen princess Rhaenys.
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House Targaryen Dog Names

House Lannister Dog Names

If you’re a fan of House Lannister and their cunning and ambition, these names will suit your dog perfectly. Here are some popular House Lannister dog names:

  • Cersei: Pay tribute to the ambitious and complex Cersei Lannister with this strong and regal name.
  • Jaime: Name your loyal and honorable dog after Jaime Lannister, the renowned knight and twin brother of Cersei.
  • Tyrion: Honor the witty and intelligent Tyrion Lannister with this clever and memorable name.
  • Tywin: Name your strong and authoritative dog after Tywin Lannister, the powerful patriarch of House Lannister.
  • Joffrey: This name is perfect for a mischievous and unpredictable dog, just like the infamous King Joffrey Baratheon.
  • Myrcella: Pay homage to the kind-hearted and compassionate Myrcella Baratheon with this elegant and feminine name.
  • Tommen: Name your gentle and innocent dog after Tommen Baratheon, the young and naive king.
  • Kevan: This name is perfect for a loyal and dutiful dog, just like Kevan Lannister, the trusted uncle of Cersei and Jaime.
  • Lancel: Pay tribute to the conflicted and tormented Lancel Lannister with this intriguing and complex name.
  • Gregor: This name is perfect for a strong and formidable dog, just like the fearsome Gregor Clegane, also known as “The Mountain.”

House Greyjoy Dog Names

For fans of House Greyjoy and their seafaring ways, these names are a great choice for your dog. Here are some popular House Greyjoy dog names:

  • Theon: Honor the complicated and tormented character of Theon Greyjoy with this intriguing and memorable name.
  • Balon: Name your strong and independent dog after Balon Greyjoy, the proud and ambitious ruler of the Iron Islands.
  • Euron: Pay tribute to the cunning and unpredictable Euron Greyjoy with this bold and distinctive name.
  • Yara: This name is perfect for a fierce and independent female dog, just like Yara Greyjoy, the skilled sailor and warrior.
  • Aeron: Honor the faithful and devout Aeron Greyjoy with this strong and stoic name.
  • Asha: Name your adventurous and courageous dog after Asha Greyjoy, the fierce and determined warrior.
  • Victarion: Pay homage to the formidable and battle-hardened Victarion Greyjoy with this strong and powerful name.
  • Quellon: This name is perfect for a wise and respected dog, just like Quellon Greyjoy, the former ruler of the Iron Islands.
  • Rodrik: Name your loyal and dependable dog after Rodrik Greyjoy, a key ally of House Greyjoy.
  • Maron: Honor the noble and honorable Maron Greyjoy with this distinguished and regal name.
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House Greyjoy Dog Names


House Baratheon Dog Names

For fans of House Baratheon and their strength and resilience, these names will be a great choice for your dog. Here are some popular House Baratheon dog names:

  • Robert: Pay tribute to the strong and charismatic Robert Baratheon, the former king of Westeros, with this powerful and kingly name.
  • Stannis: Honor the relentless and determined Stannis Baratheon with this strong and unwavering name.
  • Renly: Name your charming and charismatic dog after Renly Baratheon, the youngest brother of Stannis and Robert.
  • Gendry: This name is perfect for a strong and resilient dog, just like Gendry, the skilled blacksmith and legitimate son of Robert Baratheon.
  • Mya: Pay homage to the kind-hearted and independent Mya Stone with this unique and feminine name.
  • Shireen: Name your gentle and kind-hearted dog after Shireen Baratheon, the daughter of Stannis Baratheon.
  • Edric: This name is perfect for a noble and honorable dog, just like Edric Storm, the illegitimate son of Robert Baratheon.
  • Melisandre: Honor the mysterious and powerful Melisandre of Asshai with this enchanting and otherworldly name.
  • Patchface: Name your quirky and unpredictable dog after Patchface, the jester with prophetic abilities.
  • Barra: Pay tribute to the innocent and ill-fated Barra, Robert Baratheon’s illegitimate daughter, with this somber and meaningful name.

House Martell Dog Names

For fans of House Martell and their passion and strength, these names will be a great fit for your dog. Here are some popular House Martell dog names:

  • Oberyn: Honor the charismatic and fierce Oberyn Martell with this bold and intriguing name.
  • Doran: Name your wise and patient dog after Doran Martell, the wise ruler of Dorne.
  • Ellaria: Pay tribute to the strong and passionate Ellaria Sand with this elegant and feminine name.
  • Trystane: This name is perfect for a gentle and kind-hearted dog, just like Trystane Martell, the young prince of Dorne.
  • Arianne: Name your independent and fearless female dog after Arianne Martell, a key player in the politics of Dorne.
  • Quentyn: Honor the determined and courageous Quentyn Martell with this strong and noble name.
  • Nymeria: This name is perfect for a fierce and independent dog, just like Nymeria Sand, one of the famous Sand Snakes.
  • Obara: Pay homage to the fierce and formidable Obara Sand with this strong and powerful name.
  • Areo: Name your loyal and protective dog after Areo Hotah, the skilled captain of Doran Martell’s guards.
  • Tyene: This name is perfect for a seductive and cunning female dog, just like Tyene Sand, one of the Sand Snakes.

House Tyrell Dog Names

If you’re a fan of House Tyrell and their wealth and influence, these names are a great choice for your dog. Here are some popular House Tyrell dog names:

  • Mace: Honor the powerful and influential Mace Tyrell with this noble and commanding name.
  • Olenna: Pay tribute to the clever and shrewd Olenna Tyrell, also known as the “Queen of Thorns,” with this regal and elegant name.
  • Margaery: Name your beautiful and ambitious female dog after Margaery Tyrell, the skilled manipulator and queen.
  • Loras: This name is perfect for a handsome and skilled dog, just like Loras Tyrell, the skilled knight and member of the Kingsguard.
  • Garlan: Honor the brave and chivalrous Garlan Tyrell with this noble and honorable name.
  • Willas: Name your wise and knowledgeable dog after Willas Tyrell, the heir to Highgarden.
  • Alerie: This name is perfect for a graceful and refined female dog, just like Alerie Tyrell, Margaery’s mother.
  • Maergery: Pay homage to the beautiful and cunning Maergery Tyrell with this elegant and sophisticated name.
  • Luthor: Name your strong and authoritative dog after Luthor Tyrell, the father of Mace Tyrell.
  • Rhea: This name is perfect for a gentle and nurturing female dog, just like Rhea Tyrell, the matriarch of House Tyrell.
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Night’s Watch Dog Names

For fans of the Night’s Watch and their oath to protect the realm, these names are a great choice for your dog. Here are some popular Night’s Watch dog names:

  • Jon: Honor the brave and noble Jon Snow, the Lord Commander of the Night’s Watch, with this strong and resilient name.
  • Samwell: Name your intelligent and studious dog after Samwell Tarly, Jon Snow’s loyal friend.
  • Jeor: Pay tribute to Jeor Mormont, the wise and respected Lord Commander of the Night’s Watch, with this authoritative and commanding name.
  • Alliser: This name is perfect for a strict and disciplined dog, just like Alliser Thorne, a prominent member of the Night’s Watch.
  • Maester: Name your wise and knowledgeable dog after the Maesters of the Night’s Watch, the scholars and healers of the order.
  • Mormont: Honor the loyal and formidable House Mormont with this strong and proud name.
  • Grenn: This name is perfect for a brave and fearless dog, just like Grenn, a member of the Night’s Watch known for his courage.
  • Pypar: Pay homage to the witty and charismatic Pypar with this memorable and playful name.
  • Rast: Name your mischievous and unpredictable dog after Rast, a troublesome member of the Night’s Watch.
  • Thorne: This name is perfect for a stern and no-nonsense dog, just like Ser Alliser Thorne, a formidable leader in the Night’s Watch.

Night's Watch Dog Names

Miscellaneous Game of Thrones Dog Names

If you’re looking for a unique and memorable dog name that doesn’t fit into any particular house or group, these names are perfect for you. Here are some miscellaneous Game of Thrones dog names:

  • Hodor: Honor the beloved and loyal Hodor with this simple and endearing name.
  • Ghost: Name your mysterious and independent dog after Ghost, Jon Snow’s loyal direwolf.
  • Direwolf: Pay tribute to the iconic and majestic creatures of Westeros with this powerful and symbolic name.
  • The Hound: This name is perfect for a fierce and protective dog, just like Sandor Clegane, also known as “The Hound.”
  • Ser Davos: Honor the honorable and loyal Ser Davos Seaworth with this noble and steadfast name.
  • Brienne: Name your strong and determined female dog after Brienne of Tarth, the skilled warrior and knight.
  • Tormund: Pay homage to the wild and fearless Tormund Giantsbane with this bold and memorable name.
  • Podrick: This name is perfect for a loyal and steadfast dog, just like Podrick Payne, a trusted squire.
  • Bronn: Name your cunning and resourceful dog after Bronn, a skilled sellsword and loyal companion.
  • Hot Pie: Honor the kind-hearted and lovable Hot Pie with this charming and affectionate name.

Whether you choose a name from House Stark, House Targaryen, House Lannister, House Greyjoy, House Baratheon, House Martell, House Tyrell, the Night’s Watch, or a miscellaneous name, your Game of Thrones inspired dog will surely have a unique and fitting name. So have fun choosing a name that reflects your love for the series and your furry friend’s personality!

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