7 Times Your Cat Acts Exactly Like a Baby

by beaconpet
Whenever You Do Anything to Ensure Their Health and Happiness

If you’ve ever thought your cat acts like a child, you’re not alone. In fact, there are many times when your feline friend exhibits behaviors similar to those of a child or toddler. From their dependence on us for their health and happiness to their penchant for random bursts of energy, cats and babies have more in common than you might think. Add in the fact that cats can cry like babies and even wear cute little holiday outfits, and it’s clear that our furry friends are basically babies in coats. hair. So the next time your cat demands your attention or leaves a surprise in the litter box, remember that you’re not the only one experiencing the joys and challenges of parenting. Follow BeaConPet for more.

Whenever You Do Anything to Ensure Their Health and Happiness

Whenever You Do Anything to Ensure Their Health and Happiness

When it comes down to it, there isn’t much cats and babies can do on their own. Considering their lack of thumbs (cats) and dexterity (babies), general lack of street smarts, and their inability to make a living, they’ve become pretty reliant on the rest of us. It’s a good thing most cat parents (or human parents, for that matter) don’t expect any favors in return. After years of feeding, cleaning, and providing shelter, clothing, education, the score is probably pretty unbalanced.

Every Time Your Cat Poops

There are a number of similarities between cats and babies, but the trait they have most in common? The fact that they can poop at any time, in any location, and someone else will have to clean it up. Sounds like the life, huh? In fact, your cat is probably somewhere in your house, pooping in one of your strategically placed litter boxes right at this moment. If you have kids, take a moment and try to estimate the number of diapers you’ve changed in your lifetime; if you have a cat, take a moment to reflect on all the time you’ve spent elbow-deep in kitty litter. They’re not dissimilar jobs, after all.

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When Your Cat Cries (And Actually Sounds Like a Human)

Studies have shown that cat owners can determine their kitties’ needs by the sound and pitch of their meows. In other words, a cat owner can tell the difference between a meow that means “I’m hungry” and a meow that means “Clean up my poop, human.” One particular type of meow—one that means your cat needs something and it’s your job to figure it out—sounds just like a human baby crying. Yep, according to science, some cats can meow at the same frequency as an infant’s cry. This may prove one of two things: Cats have manipulated humans’ love of babies to their favor; or Cats and babies are actually the same.

When Your Cat Has Random Outbursts

7 Times Your Cat Acts Exactly Like a Baby

How many times per week does your cat boop you on the face? Or bounce off the walls for a few moments before settling back into a cozy spot on the couch? It’s not uncommon for cats to get these random bursts of energy or aggression—and it’s actually good for them to get rid of that excess energy. The same can be said of toddlers.

When Your Cat Wears a Cute Little Holiday Outfit

Throughout their lives, most kids have special occasion outfits. You know—the pastel floral dress for Easter, the red, white, and blue ensemble for the Fourth of July, and an itchy turtleneck for Thanksgiving. And if you’re an extra cat parent, your kitty probably has those special occasion outfits, too. The bunny ears she won’t keep on for more than 15 seconds for Easter, the red, white, and blue kitty-sized tutu for the Fourth, and a tiny pilgrim outfit for Thanksgiving. And let’s not forget Halloween.

Every Year in Your Holiday Card

Holiday cards are meant to provide family updates to friends and family you don’t see regularly. And if you have cute kids, they can help you brag it up a little bit, too. The same goes for kitties. How else will your friends and family know she learned how to walk on a leash outdoors or finally stopped puking on your bed pillows?

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When Your Cat Clings Onto You

7 Times Your Cat Acts Exactly Like a Baby

Man, cats and babies are clingy, right? Being little clinger-ons is one trait cats and babies share—but the meanings are totally different. Obviously, babies cling onto their parents because they love them, feel protected by them, and need someone to feed them lunch. Cats like to rub against us and cling on because they love us, too, right? Wrong. When a kitty rubs against your leg, they’re not giving you a sweet, little leg hug—they’re marking you as their property. When they press against you (and maybe even curl their tail around your leg), the scent glands go into overdrive. These scent glands release their “mark” that lets any other animals in the area know you are their property—and they better back off. There they go again, manipulating our emotions.

Similarities Between Cats and Human Babies

Reliance on Others

Both cats and human babies rely heavily on their parents or caregivers for their basic needs. They are unable to take care of themselves and need assistance with feeding, grooming, and providing a safe environment.

Pooping Habits

Cats and babies both have the tendency to poop at inconvenient times and in unexpected places. Changing diapers and cleaning litter boxes are similar tasks that cat and human parents have to deal with regularly.


Both cats and human babies communicate their needs through crying. While a baby’s cry can be loud and demanding, a cat’s meow can also be expressive and attention-seeking.

Random Outbursts

Cats and babies occasionally have bursts of energy or moments of excitement where they may jump, run, or play vigorously. These random outbursts are a natural part of their behavior and help release excess energy.

Dressing Up

Just like human babies, some cat owners enjoy dressing up their pets in adorable outfits for special occasions or holidays. It can be a fun way to express their personality and bring joy to the family.

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Clinging Behavior

Babies cling onto their parents as a sign of comfort and security, while cats may rub against their owners to mark their territory and show affection. Both behaviors signify a bond and attachment.

Holiday Celebrations

Just like families include their babies in holiday celebrations and take cute holiday photos, many cat owners also include their feline companions in festivities. It’s a way to create special memories and share joy with loved ones.

The Science Behind Cats’ Meow

Understanding Kitties’ Needs Cats have a sophisticated way of communicating with their owners through their meows. Each meow can convey a different meaning, whether it’s hunger, attention-seeking, or a request for affection. By paying attention to the nuances of their meows, cat owners can better understand their furry friends’ needs and provide appropriate care.

Similarities to Infant’s Cry Surprisingly, some cats’ meows closely resemble the frequency and pitch of a human infant’s cry. This similarity may be a result of cats adapting their vocalizations to grab their owners’ attention, similar to how babies use crying to communicate their needs. This unique ability of cats to imitate the sound of a baby’s cry may have evolved as a way to manipulate humans and receive the care and attention they desire.

The Importance of Physical Activity for Cats

The Importance of Physical Activity for Cats

Physical activity is crucial for cats to maintain a healthy weight, prevent obesity-related health issues, and stimulate their natural instincts. Regular play sessions, interactive toys, and opportunities for exercise can help cats release pent-up energy, reduce stress, and improve their overall well-being. Just like babies, cats need opportunities for physical activity to support their growth and development.

In conclusion, cats and human babies share several similarities in their behavior and needs. Both rely on their parents or caregivers for their basic needs, have similar pooping habits, communicate their needs through crying or meowing, experience random bursts of energy, can be dressed up for special occasions, exhibit clinging behavior, and can be included in holiday celebrations. Understanding these similarities can help cat owners better care for their feline companions and strengthen the bond between them. Additionally, recognizing the science behind cats’ meows can provide insights into their communication and help create a harmonious and fulfilling relationship between cats and their owners. Finally, ensuring that cats receive regular physical activity is essential for their overall health and happiness. By providing opportunities for exercise and play, cat owners can help their furry friends thrive. So next time your cat acts like a baby, embrace the similarities and cherish the special bond you share.

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