8 Tips to Dog-Proof your Christmas Tree (and Tree-Proof your Dog)

by beaconpet
8 Tips to Dog-Proof your Christmas Tree (and Tree-Proof your Dog)

Whether you’re a Christmas enthusiast or a dog lover, the combination of a dog and a Christmas tree can present some challenges. In this article, Beaconpet will give you eight tips on how to dog-proof your Christmas tree, while also dog-proofing your tree. From tree protection to protecting delicate decorations, we have you covered. With these precautions, you can create a safe and festive environment for both your furry friend and your Christmas decorations. So let’s get started and ensure a happy and accident-free holiday season!

8 Tips to Dog-Proof your Christmas Tree (and Tree-Proof your Dog)

8 Tips to Dog-Proof your Christmas Tree (and Tree-Proof your Dog)

Nothing makes a cuter Christmas picture than your dog posed in front of your beautifully decorated tree. But dogs and Christmas trees aren’t always a great mix. Decorated trees with their breakable ornaments and electric lights can be hazardous to dogs, and curious dogs can be a hazard to Christmas trees. But don’t worry: you can still have a Christmas tree! You just need to take some precautions. Read on to learn how to keep your dog safe around the Christmas tree (and vice versa).

Go artificial

When Christmas trees fall over on TV, it’s hilarious, but there’s nothing funny about it when one comes crashing down in your living room. Invest in a quality stand to secure the base of the tree. This will prevent the tree from toppling over if your dog gives it a bump. To further prevent possible injury to curious pets, place the Christmas tree in a corner and securely anchor it to the ceiling or wall. You can do this by looping some fishing line around the trunk and tying it to an anchor in the wall or ceiling. Another precaution you can take is to create an “alarm” to alert you if the tree is in danger. Simply place aluminium foil or a can filled with beans on the lower branches. If your dog starts sniffing around the tree, you’ll hear the noise in time to intervene.

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Start with a bare tree

Before you decorate the tree, leave it up for a few days. This will help your dog get used to having a tree in the house, so they’ll be more likely to leave it alone once it’s covered in lights and ornaments. After a few days with a bare tree, chances are your dog will lose interest entirely.

Be wary of electrical cords

Bright, shiny lights are hard to resist, but they can be dangerous to your dog. Not only can your dog get tangled in the wires, but if they’re a chewer, there’s a risk of electrical shock. To prevent any accidents, leave the bottom branches of the tree bare to keep the cords out of reach. Additionally, secure cords leading to and from the tree. You can hide them with the tree skirt or decorative packages, or use adhesive-backed cord clips to keep them off the floor and away from your dog.

Put fragile ornaments on higher branches

Put fragile ornaments on higher branches

Your big, happy dog with their big, wagging tail can be lethal to delicate Christmas decorations. Broken ornaments may be a choking hazard or cause injuries to their paws or mouth. To keep your family heirlooms safe and protect your dog, consider putting fragile ornaments towards the top of the tree. Alternatively, switch to plastic ornaments that won’t shatter if they accidentally fall. Depending on how rambunctious and curious your dog is, you may want to leave the bottom third of the tree bare to avoid any accidents.

No food on the tree

Popcorn garlands, chocolate ornaments, and candy canes may make beautiful decorations, but they are a big no-no for dogs. Chocolate is among the most dangerous foods for dogs, so it’s important to keep sweets completely out of reach of your dog. This may mean avoiding using edible decorations altogether and keeping any sweet treats off the tree.

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Keep toxic plants out of reach (or fake)

Keep toxic plants out of reach (or fake)

Holly, mistletoe, and poinsettias are common houseplants that are potentially toxic to dogs. If you decorate with any of them, it’s important to keep them way out of reach of your pets. Better yet, consider using artificial versions that are just as lovely but a lot safer for your dog. While pine needles aren’t particularly toxic, they are small and sharp, and can cause injury if ingested by your dog. If you have a natural Christmas tree, be sure to vacuum up fallen needles every day to prevent any accidents.

Candles? Keep ’em up high and off the tree

Candlelight makes Christmastime cozy and bright, but open flames and dogs don’t mix (neither do open flames and Christmas trees). If you’re decorating with candles, it’s important to place them on secure shelves well out of reach of your dog. This will prevent any accidents or potential injuries. If you still want to have a flickering effect on the Christmas tree, consider using clip-on LED candles that are safe and don’t pose a fire hazard.

Save the presents for Christmas morning

Sometimes the real danger isn’t dogs and Christmas trees, but dogs and what’s under the tree. To keep your Christmas gifts safe and protect your dog from ingesting something they shouldn’t, it’s best not to leave presents under the tree. Wait for Santa to come on Christmas Eve, and wake up to gifts that haven’t been licked or chewed on. This will ensure a safe and enjoyable holiday season for you and your dog.

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In conclusion, by following these tips for dog-proofing your Christmas tree and tree-proofing your dog, you can create a safe and festive environment during the holiday season. Investing in a quality stand, securing the tree, and keeping fragile ornaments, food, toxic plants, and candles out of reach are all essential precautions. Starting with a bare tree and letting your dog get used to it before decorating can also help prevent any unwanted incidents. Lastly, saving the presents for Christmas morning will ensure that both you and your dog can enjoy the excitement of opening gifts together. With these tips in mind, you can have a merry and dog-friendly Christmas!

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