4 Likely Reasons Why Your Cat is Only Eating Treats and Not Their Food

by beaconpet
You’ve Been Spoiling Your Cat With Treats

Oh no! Your cat, who used to be such a good eater, is now ignoring their full bowl but won’t stop meowing for treats. Well, your cat is basically acting like a kid who only wants to eat junk food for every meal. There’s no need to panic, but you can’t let your kitty get away with it for too long. Treats are no substitute for a proper, balanced feline diet. So, what’s behind this sudden change in behavior? It could be any number of things, and we’re exploring a few of the most common reasons below. The first reason is that you’ve been spoiling your cat with treats. How often do you give your cat treats, and for what reason? If you keep handing them out no matter what, your kitty is likely to get used to these special snacks. Cat treats also taste so much better than kibble. Why should they settle for the plain stuff when they can get a gourmet feast? If you keep giving in to those pleading eyes—especially when your cat is holding out for treats—you’re only reinforcing the wrong behavior. For more follow Beaconpet.

You’ve Been Spoiling Your Cat With Treats

You’ve Been Spoiling Your Cat With Treats

Frequency of treat giving

One of the primary reasons why your cat may be only eating treats and not their regular food is because you have been spoiling them with treats too often. If you constantly give in to your cat’s demands for treats, they will develop a preference for them over their regular food. Cats are known to be opportunistic eaters, and if they learn that they can get tastier treats by refusing their regular food, they will continue to do so. It is important to establish a consistent feeding routine and limit the frequency of treat giving to prevent your cat from becoming too reliant on them.

Preference for tastier treats

Cat treats are designed to be more palatable and flavorful than regular cat food. They are often made with ingredients that are irresistible to cats, such as meat or fish. When your cat gets accustomed to the taste and texture of treats, they may find their regular food bland and unappealing in comparison. This can lead to selective eating habits, where your cat only consumes treats and refuses their regular meals. It is crucial to provide a balanced and nutritionally complete diet to ensure your cat’s overall health and wellbeing.

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Reinforcing wrong behavior

If you constantly give in to your cat’s demands for treats, especially when they refuse to eat their regular food, you are inadvertently reinforcing this behavior. Your cat quickly learns that by refusing their meals and meowing for treats, they can manipulate you into giving them what they want. This can create a cycle of negative reinforcement and make it even harder to break the habit of only eating treats. It is important to be consistent and not give in to your cat’s every demand for treats to encourage them to eat their regular food.

Medical Issues

Dental problems

Dental problems can significantly affect a cat’s appetite and eating habits. If your cat is experiencing dental pain or discomfort, they may find it difficult to chew their regular kibble or wet food. This can lead to a preference for treats, which are often softer and easier to eat. It is essential to regularly check your cat’s teeth and gums for any signs of dental issues, such as gum inflammation or tartar buildup. Regular dental care, including brushing and professional cleanings, can help alleviate any discomfort and encourage your cat to eat their regular food.

Gastrointestinal issues

Gastrointestinal issues, such as an upset stomach or digestive disorders, can also contribute to your cat’s selective eating habits. If your cat experiences frequent bouts of diarrhea, vomiting, or stomach pain, they may associate their regular food with discomfort and avoid eating it. In these cases, it is crucial to consult with your veterinarian to determine the underlying cause of the gastrointestinal issues and develop a treatment plan. Your veterinarian may recommend a special diet or medication to help alleviate your cat’s symptoms and encourage them to eat.

Loss of appetite

In some cases, a loss of appetite can be a symptom of an underlying medical condition. Cats can be prone to various health issues, such as kidney disease, thyroid problems, or infections, which can affect their appetite. If your cat’s lack of interest in their regular food is accompanied by other signs of illness, such as weight loss, lethargy, or changes in behavior, it is important to seek veterinary attention promptly. Your veterinarian can assess your cat’s overall health and perform diagnostic tests to identify any underlying medical issues contributing to their selective eating.

Stress or Anxiety

Stress or Anxiety

Changes in environment

Cats are sensitive creatures and can be easily affected by changes in their environment. Moving to a new home, rearranging furniture, or introducing new pets or family members can cause stress and anxiety in cats. When cats are stressed, they may exhibit changes in their eating habits, including a preference for treats over their regular food. It is important to create a calm and secure environment for your cat and provide them with a consistent routine to help reduce their stress levels. Gradual introductions and positive reinforcement can also help your cat adjust to any changes in their surroundings.

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Separation anxiety

If your cat experiences separation anxiety when you are away from home, they may exhibit changes in their eating habits. Cats that are anxious or stressed when their owners are not present may lose their appetite and become more reliant on treats for comfort. It is vital to address separation anxiety issues and provide your cat with mental and physical stimulation in your absence. Interactive toys, scratching posts, and establishing a secure area for your cat can help alleviate their anxiety and encourage them to eat their regular food.

Fear or trauma

Fear or trauma can have a significant impact on a cat’s eating behavior. If your cat has experienced a traumatic event or is constantly exposed to fearful stimuli, they may associate their regular food with negative emotions. This can result in a preference for treats, which they may perceive as a safer and more comforting option. It is crucial to create a safe and secure environment for your cat and provide them with positive experiences surrounding their regular meals. Gradual desensitization techniques and consultation with a professional behaviorist can help address any fear or trauma-related eating issues.

Food Quality or Preferences

Unappetizing food

Sometimes, cats simply find their regular food unappetizing. Various factors, such as changes in formulation, expiration dates, or improper storage, can affect the taste, texture, and smell of cat food. If your cat detects any off-putting odors or flavors, they may refuse to eat their regular food and opt for treats instead. It is crucial to ensure that your cat’s food is fresh, properly stored, and within the recommended expiration dates. Additionally, providing a variety of textures and flavors can help cater to your cat’s individual preferences and encourage them to eat.

Change in food brand

Cats can be finicky eaters, and even a minor change in their food brand can disrupt their eating habits. If you have recently switched to a new cat food brand, your cat may need time to adjust to the new flavors and textures. Some cats are more resistant to change and may prefer the familiar taste of treats over unfamiliar food. Gradual transitions, where you mix the new food with the old food over a period of several days, can help your cat become accustomed to the new brand and increase their acceptance of their regular meals.

Texture or temperature preferences

Cats have individual preferences when it comes to the texture and temperature of their food. Some cats may prefer wet food over dry kibble, while others may prefer room temperature meals over cold or heated food. If your cat finds their regular food unappealing due to texture or temperature, they may choose treats that are more aligned with their preferences. Experimenting with different food textures and temperatures can help you determine what your cat enjoys and encourage them to eat their regular meals.

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Addressing the Issue: Steps to Encourage Eating

Steps to Encourage Eating

Gradual transition

If your cat has developed a preference for treats over their regular food, it is important to gradually transition them back to their regular meals. Start by reducing the frequency of treat giving and offering smaller portions. Gradually increase the amount of their regular food and decrease the treats over time. This gradual transition allows your cat to adjust to the change without causing any sudden disruptions to their eating routine.

Offering variety

Providing a variety of textures and flavors can help entice your cat to eat their regular food. Offer different types of wet and dry food, and consider mixing in a small amount of treat crumbs or a treat-flavored topper to enhance the taste and aroma of their meals. Rotating between different flavors and brands can also prevent your cat from getting bored with their food and encourage them to eat a balanced diet.

Ensuring freshness

Ensuring that your cat’s food is fresh and properly stored is crucial to maintaining its palatability. Check the expiration dates on the packaging and ensure that the food is stored in a cool, dry place. If you are using wet food, make sure to refrigerate any uneaten portions promptly. Cats have a keen sense of smell, and any off-putting odors can deter them from eating their regular meals.

Feeding schedule

Feeding schedule

Establishing a consistent feeding schedule can help regulate your cat’s eating habits and prevent them from becoming too reliant on treats. Divide their daily food allowance into several small meals throughout the day, and offer their regular meals at the same times each day. Cats are creatures of habit and thrive on routine, so providing them with a structured feeding schedule can encourage them to eat on a regular basis.

Veterinary consultation

If your cat’s selective eating habits persist despite your efforts to address the issue, it is important to consult with your veterinarian. They can conduct a thorough examination, perform any necessary tests, and determine if there are any underlying medical conditions contributing to your cat’s behavior. Your veterinarian may recommend specific dietary changes, prescribe medication, or provide further guidance on how to encourage your cat to eat their regular food.


If your cat is only eating treats and not their regular food, it is essential to identify the underlying reasons and take appropriate steps to address the issue. Whether it is due to being spoiled with treats, medical issues, stress or anxiety, or food preferences, understanding the cause can help you develop a plan to encourage your cat to eat a balanced and nutritionally complete diet. By gradually transitioning, offering variety, ensuring freshness, establishing a feeding schedule, and seeking veterinary guidance if necessary, you can help your cat form healthier eating habits and ensure their overall well-being. Remember, treats should be given in moderation and as occasional rewards, not as a substitute for a proper feline diet.

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