Causes of drooping ears in cats

by beaconpet
Causes of Drooping Ears in Cats

If you’ve ever noticed your cat with drooping ears, it may not just be a cute quirk, but a sign of an underlying issue. Common signs of drooping ears in cats include limp or folded ear pinna, swollen or flattened ear pinna, head shaking, scratching, dirty ear canals, and more. There are various causes for this condition, including otitis externa, aural hematoma, parasites, frostbite, vasculitis, ringworm, cancer, facial nerve paralysis, and foreign bodies. Taking care of a cat with drooping ears requires a visit to the veterinarian to determine the cause and the appropriate treatment. Treatment may include medications, ear drops or creams, surgery, and lifelong treatment in some cases. It’s important not to ignore drooping ears in cats and to seek prompt veterinary attention to address the underlying issue. Let’s explore the article “Causes of drooping ears in cats” with Beacon Pet rright now!

Causes of Drooping Ears in Cats

Drooping ears in cats can be a sign of an underlying issue that requires attention and proper veterinary care. While some cats naturally have ears that sit lower or fold over at the tips, significant changes in the position or appearance of a cat’s ears can indicate a medical problem. Understanding the potential causes of drooping ears can help cat owners recognize when their feline friend may need veterinary attention and appropriate treatment.

Causes of Drooping Ears in Cats

Otitis Externa

Otitis externa, or inflammation of the outer ear canal, is a common cause of drooping ears in cats. This condition can occur due to allergies, bacterial or yeast infections, or the buildup of wax and debris in the ear canal. When a cat’s ears are affected by otitis externa, they may become red, swollen, and itchy, leading to discomfort and a drooping appearance.

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Aural Hematoma

An aural hematoma is a collection of blood that forms between the skin and cartilage of the ear flap, typically as a result of trauma or irritation. This condition can cause significant swelling and pain, leading to drooping or folded ear pinna. Aural hematomas can occur when a cat excessively shakes or scratches their ears due to allergies, ear mites, or other underlying issues.


Parasites are another potential cause of drooping ears in cats. Ear mites, in particular, can infest a cat’s ear canal and cause severe irritation and inflammation. As a result of the itching and discomfort, a cat may scratch, shake their head, and develop visibly drooping or folded ears. It is important to treat parasites promptly to alleviate discomfort and prevent further complications.



In colder climates, cats can be susceptible to frostbite, which can affect their ears and other exposed body parts. When a cat’s ears are exposed to extreme cold for prolonged periods, the tissues can become damaged and result in drooping or floppy ears. Frostbite can be a serious condition requiring immediate veterinary attention to prevent further tissue damage and complications.


Vasculitis refers to inflammation of the blood vessels and can affect various parts of a cat’s body, including the ears. When vasculitis occurs in the ears, it can lead to swelling, redness, and drooping of the ear pinna. Vasculitis can be a result of underlying immune system disorders, infections, or drug reactions. Identifying and treating the underlying cause of vasculitis is essential to manage the condition effectively.


Ringworm, a contagious fungal infection, can also contribute to the drooping of a cat’s ears. In addition to causing skin lesions and hair loss, ringworm can cause inflammation and irritation in the ear canal and surrounding tissues. As a result, a cat may display drooping ears along with other symptoms such as itching, redness, and crusting on the affected areas.

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Ringworm Causes of drooping ears in cats


Cancerous growths, such as squamous cell carcinoma or basal cell tumors, can develop in a cat’s ears and cause them to droop. These tumors can invade the surrounding tissues and alter the normal structure of the ear, leading to a change in appearance. It is important to have any suspicious growths or changes in a cat’s ears evaluated by a veterinarian to rule out cancer and determine the best course of action.

Facial Nerve Paralysis

Trauma, infections, or certain medical conditions can result in facial nerve paralysis in cats. If the nerves controlling the muscles of the ear and face are affected, it can cause drooping or floppy ears. Along with the ear drooping, other signs of facial nerve paralysis may include drooping eyelids, an asymmetrical smile, and difficulty eating or drinking. Veterinary evaluation is crucial for proper diagnosis and treatment of this condition.

Foreign Bodies

Sometimes, foreign objects can become lodged in a cat’s ear canal, leading to irritation, inflammation, and drooping of the affected ear. Common foreign bodies can include grass awns, small insects, or debris. These foreign objects cause discomfort and may prompt a cat to excessively paw at their ear or shake their head. Prompt removal of the foreign body by a veterinarian is necessary to alleviate the symptoms and prevent further complications.

Causes of drooping ears in cats: Foreign Bodies

In conclusion, drooping ears in cats can indicate an underlying issue that requires attention and proper veterinary care. From otitis externa and aural hematoma to parasites, frostbite, vasculitis, ringworm, cancer, facial nerve paralysis, and foreign bodies, there are several potential causes for this condition. Recognizing the signs and seeking veterinary attention promptly is important to determine the cause and provide appropriate treatment. Treatment options may include medications, ear drops or creams, surgery, or lifelong management, depending on the underlying cause. As a responsible cat owner, it is crucial to prioritize the well-being of your feline friend and address any signs of drooping ears promptly to ensure their overall health and happiness.

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