Dr. Elsey’s Precious Cat Ultra Clumping Cat Litter Review

by beaconpet
Dr. Elsey's Precious Cat Ultra Clumping Cat Litter Review

Are you looking for a type of cat litter that will keep your house smelling fresh and clean? Look no further than Dr. Elsey’s Precious Cat super clumping cat litter. This odorless litter not only prevents odors but also clumps well, making it easy to clean your cat’s litter box. Although the 40-pound bag is a bit unwieldy, this litter keeps its promise and keeps your house odor-free. Plus, it’s affordable at $20 for 40 pounds, making it a great value for pet parents. Say goodbye to unpleasant litter box smells with Dr. Elsey’s Precious Cat Ultra Clumping Cat Litter. For more follow BEACONPET.

Dr. Elsey’s Precious Cat Ultra Clumping Cat Litter Review

Dr. Elsey's Precious Cat Ultra Clumping Cat Litter Review

When it comes to finding the perfect cat litter, there are many factors to consider. One of the top priorities for cat owners is odor elimination. No one wants their home to smell like a litter box, so finding a cat litter that effectively eliminates odors is crucial. Dr. Elsey’s Precious Cat Ultra Clumping Cat Litter is a product that claims to do just that.

Odor Elimination

The first thing you’ll notice about Dr. Elsey’s Precious Cat Ultra Clumping Cat Litter is that it is unscented. While some people may prefer scented litter, this unscented option has its advantages. Scented cat litters often mask bad smells rather than actually eliminating them, and the added fragrance can become overpowering. Dr. Elsey’s litter, on the other hand, truly eliminates odors. It absorbs unpleasant smells as soon as they appear, leaving your home odor-free. Even after a week, you’ll find that the room with the litter box smells like nothing at all.

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Clumping Ability

Clumping Ability

Another important factor when choosing cat litter is clumping ability. Dr. Elsey’s Precious Cat Ultra Clumping Cat Litter is made of a clay material that clumps well, preventing moisture from reaching the bottom of the litter box. The urine forms individual clumps that are easy to scoop, unlike some litters that create one big clump. While these clumps may break apart slightly when scooping, they are still manageable and easy to clean out.

Ease of Use

While Dr. Elsey’s Precious Cat Ultra Clumping Cat Litter is effective in odor elimination and clumping ability, there are a few aspects to consider in terms of ease of use. The first is the weight of the bag. This cat litter comes in a 40-pound bag that can be quite heavy to lift and pour. It does not have handles, so transferring the litter to a more stable container is recommended. The weight of the bag can make the initial use challenging, especially for those with back problems. However, once poured, the litter does not kick up any dust, which is a positive aspect.

Another aspect of ease of use to consider is the tracking of the litter. While Dr. Elsey’s claims that the granules are heavy and therefore less likely to track, some tracking may still occur. After a few days of use, you may need to sweep up some litter mess. While it is not as much tracking as some other litters, it is still worth mentioning.



Price is always a consideration when purchasing cat litter, especially if you have multiple cats or need to buy in bulk. Dr. Elsey’s Precious Cat Ultra Clumping Cat Litter is an affordable option, especially considering the quantity you receive. A 40-pound bag costs around $20, which is a great value for the amount of litter you get. This size bag can easily last a single cat household for up to two months, making it a cost-effective choice.

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When comparing Dr. Elsey’s Precious Cat Ultra Clumping Cat Litter to other brands, it is important to consider the competition. One major contender is Arm & Hammer Clump & Seal Platinum Cat Litter. Both litters promise to disguise bad odors, but Dr. Elsey’s takes the lead in clumping ability. While Arm & Hammer is better when it comes to tracking, Dr. Elsey’s offers a better price point. Arm & Hammer’s 27.5-pound box costs around $30, while Dr. Elsey’s 40-pound bag is just $20.

Final Verdict

Final Verdict

In conclusion, Dr. Elsey’s Precious Cat Ultra Clumping Cat Litter is a product worth considering. It effectively eliminates odors, clumps well, and comes at an affordable price. While the bag may be heavy and there may be some tracking, the overall performance of this cat litter makes it a great option for any cat owner.


  • Product Name: Dr. Elsey’s Precious Cat Ultra Clumping Cat Litter
  • Product Brand: Dr. Elsey’s
  • Price: $20 for 40 pounds
  • Weight: 40 pounds
  • Product Dimensions: 19 x 13 x 5 inches

When looking for a cat litter that checks all the boxes, Dr. Elsey’s Precious Cat Ultra Clumping Cat Litter is a strong contender. Its odor elimination, clumping ability, and affordable price make it a top choice for cat owners everywhere. Consider giving this cat litter a try and enjoy a fresh and clean home for you and your feline friend.

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