Factors that influence when puppies calm down

by beaconpet
Factors that influence when puppies calm down

Imagine the joy of bringing home a new puppy, but also the chaos that ensues as they zoom around the house, full of energy and curiosity. Understanding when puppies will calm down can bring a sense of relief to pet parents. Factors such as breed, size, gender, socialization, home environment, and training all play a role in determining when that energetic ball of fur will finally settle down. An interesting fact to note is that smaller breeds tend to calm down sooner, around 10-12 months, while larger breeds may take up to 18-24 months to find their inner zen. So, if you’re eagerly awaiting those peaceful moments with your furry friend, read on below from the beaconpet to discover the various elements that influence the timing of their newfound serenity.

Factors that influence when puppies calm down

Puppies are known for their boundless energy and seemingly never-ending playfulness. However, there are several factors that can influence when a puppy will eventually calm down. Understanding these factors can help pet owners set realistic expectations and provide appropriate care for their furry friends. The factors that influence when puppies calm down include breed, size, gender, socialization with other dogs, home environment, routine training, spaying or neutering, genetics, health, and exercise.

Factors that influence when puppies calm down


Different dog breeds have distinct characteristics that can affect their energy levels and temperament. Some breeds are naturally more active and high-energy, while others are known for being calmer and more laid-back. The breed of a puppy can play a significant role in determining when they will finally calm down and become more relaxed.

In addition to energy levels and temperament, breed also plays a role in a puppy’s life expectancy. Smaller breeds tend to have longer life spans compared to larger breeds. Therefore, it is important for pet owners to consider the breed of their puppy when assessing their calmness milestones.


The size of a puppy can also influence when they will calm down. Different breeds have different growth rates and physical development timelines. Generally, small breeds tend to calm down earlier than larger breeds. Small breed puppies may start to exhibit calmer behavior around 10-12 months, while medium breeds may take slightly longer, around 12-15 months. Large breed puppies typically calm down around 16-18 months, and extra-large breed puppies may take up to 18-24 months to reach a calmer stage.

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It’s important to note that the energy levels of puppies can vary within size categories as well. While small breeds can calm down earlier, individual differences in energy levels and temperament should also be taken into account.


Gender differences can also play a role in when puppies calm down. Hormonal differences between males and females can impact their behavior and energy levels. Male puppies may exhibit more active and playful behavior for a longer period of time compared to females. Behavioral tendencies can also vary between genders, with males being more prone to certain behaviors such as marking territory and displaying dominance. However, it’s important to remember that individual personality and training can ultimately have a greater impact on a puppy’s behavior than gender alone.

Maturity rates can also differ between male and female puppies. Females tend to mature faster than males, and this can contribute to a quicker onset of calm behaviors. However, it’s important to note that these are generalizations and individual variations can occur.

Socialization with other dogs

Early socialization with other dogs is crucial for a puppy’s development and can help them calm down more quickly. By exposing puppies to different breeds and sizes of dogs in a safe and controlled environment, they can learn appropriate social behaviors and boundaries.

Playtime with other dogs allows puppies to expend energy and engage in natural dog behaviors, ultimately aiding in their ability to calm down. Puppies can observe and learn from the behavior of older and more experienced dogs, helping them develop important social skills and appropriate ways to interact with their canine counterparts.

Socialization with other dogs

Home environment

The home environment plays a significant role in a puppy’s overall well-being and can influence when they will eventually calm down. Stability and consistency in the home environment can provide a sense of security and routine for a growing puppy.

Noise levels within the home can also impact a puppy’s ability to calm down. A noisy and chaotic environment may overstimulate a puppy, making it more difficult for them to relax and settle down. Creating a calm and peaceful environment can help facilitate a puppy’s transition to a more relaxed state.

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The amount of physical space available within the home can also affect a puppy’s energy levels. Puppies with access to spacious areas may have more opportunities to run and play, potentially leading to higher energy levels. On the other hand, limited space can encourage puppies to exert their energy in a more controlled manner, consequently aiding in their ability to calm down.

The presence of other pets in the household can also impact a puppy’s behavior and when they calm down. Interactions with other animals can influence their socialization and overall demeanor. Integrating a new puppy into a home with existing pets should be done gradually and with careful supervision to ensure a positive and harmonious environment.

Routine training

Routine training is essential in teaching a puppy to be calm and well-behaved. Basic obedience training, such as sit, stay, and come, helps establish boundaries and expectations for a puppy’s behavior. Positive reinforcement techniques, such as treats and praise, can motivate puppies to learn and follow commands. Consistency in training sessions and establishing a daily routine can contribute to a puppy’s ability to calm down and exhibit desirable behaviors.

Behavioral training is also important in addressing any unwanted behaviors that may impede a puppy’s ability to calm down. Addressing issues such as excessive barking, jumping, or destructive chewing can help create a calm and peaceful environment for both the puppy and their human companions.

Spaying or neutering

Spaying or neutering a puppy is a common procedure that can impact their behavior and potentially contribute to calming them down. While spaying or neutering alone is not a guaranteed solution for a puppy’s high energy levels, it can have certain effects on their behavior.

Spaying or neutering can lead to a decrease in certain behaviors associated with mating instincts and hormonal changes. For example, male puppies may exhibit less aggression and marking behavior, while female puppies may experience a decrease in behaviors related to their reproductive cycles. However, it’s important to note that individual variations exist, and not all puppies will experience the same behavioral changes after being spayed or neutered.

Spaying or neutering

Spaying or neutering can also have an impact on a puppy’s energy levels. Some puppies may experience a decrease in overall energy levels following the procedure, while others may remain just as energetic as before.

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Genetics can contribute to when puppies calm down as well. Inherited traits from their parents and ancestors can influence a puppy’s behavior and temperament. Breeding history, including the temperament and energy levels of a puppy’s lineage, can provide insight into their potential for calmness.

Predisposition to certain behaviors can also be influenced by genetics. For example, some breeds may have a higher predisposition to separation anxiety or hyperactivity. Understanding a puppy’s genetic background can help pet owners anticipate potential challenges and tailor their care accordingly.


A puppy’s overall health can impact their energy levels and ability to calm down. Any underlying health issues or discomfort can manifest as increased restlessness or hyperactivity. Regular veterinary check-ups, proper nutrition, and a balanced diet are important for maintaining a puppy’s health and well-being.

It’s important to note that certain health conditions or medications can also affect a puppy’s behavior and energy levels. Consulting with a veterinarian can help identify and address any potential medical factors that may be contributing to a puppy’s hyperactivity.


Regular exercise is crucial for a puppy’s physical and mental well-being. Adequate physical activity helps burn off excessive energy, preventing it from manifesting as restlessness or hyperactivity. The amount and intensity of exercise needed can vary depending on a puppy’s breed, size, and energy levels.

In addition to physical exercise, mental stimulation is also important for puppies. Activities such as puzzle toys, interactive games, and training sessions can engage their minds and help tire them out mentally, ultimately contributing to their ability to calm down.

Regular exercise is crucial for a puppy's physical

Finding the right balance between exercise and rest is key. Overexertion can lead to increased restlessness, while insufficient exercise may result in pent-up energy. By providing appropriate exercise and mental stimulation, pet owners can help their puppies lead balanced and calm lives.

Understanding the factors that influence when puppies calm down can assist pet owners in managing their expectations and providing appropriate care. By considering factors such as breed, size, gender, socialization, home environment, routine training, spaying or neutering, genetics, health, and exercise, pet owners can help their puppies transition into well-behaved and calm companions. Remember, each puppy is unique, and while these factors provide general guidelines, individual variation should be taken into account when assessing a puppy’s calmness journey.

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