Fun Facts About Maine Coon Cats

by beaconpet
Interesting Origin Stories

Are you fascinated by cats? If so, prepare to be surprised by some interesting facts about Maine Coon cats that BEACONPET offers. Known as the gentle giants of the cat world, these adorable creatures are not only enormous in size but also have huge hearts. With male Maine Coon cats weighing up to 18 pounds and females weighing up to 16 pounds, they certainly live up to their reputation for being heavy. But it’s not just their size that makes them unique. The Maine Coon also has a long history as one of the oldest domestic cat breeds in the United States. So whether you already have a Maine Coon or are considering adopting one, get ready to discover some fun facts and cute photos about these oversized kittens.

Interesting Origin Stories

Interesting Origin Stories

Maine Coon cats are a unique breed known for their large size, fluffy coats, and friendly personalities. They have an interesting origin story that adds to their charm and appeal. There are several theories about where Maine Coon cats came from, and each one adds its own bit of intrigue to their history.

Theory 1: Cats breeding with racoons

One theory suggests that Maine Coon cats are the result of semi-domesticated cats breeding with racoons. This theory is largely debunked, as cats and racoons are not able to interbreed. However, the idea persists because Maine Coon cats have shaggy, brown fur and can resemble racoons from afar.

Theory 2: Descendants of royal kitties

Another theory proposes that Maine Coon cats are descendants of royal kitties. According to this story, Marie Antoinette attempted to flee France during the French Revolution and shipped her pet cats to Wiscasset, Maine. Although Marie did not make it to America, her cats did, and they eventually bred with local cats to create the Maine Coon breed.

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Theory 3: Bred with domestic shorthair cats

The most widely accepted theory about the origin of Maine Coon cats is that they are the result of long-haired cats brought to New England by European sailors in the 1700s. These cats then bred with domestic shorthair cats, resulting in the unique characteristics of the Maine Coon breed. This theory is supported by the fact that Maine Coon cats resemble Norwegian forest cats, which also have a similar origin story.

Their Coats Can Vary Greatly

When we think of Maine Coon cats, we often envision thick, brown, raccoon-like coats. However, the coats of Maine Coon cats can actually vary greatly in color and pattern. In fact, there are about 75 different color combinations and patterns that Maine Coon cats can come in. From solid black to tortoiseshell and everything in between, each Maine Coon cat’s coat is a unique work of art.

Harsh Winter Weather Cat

Maine Coon cats are well-equipped to handle harsh winter weather. Originating from Maine, where cold winters are the norm, Maine Coon cats have developed several features that help them thrive in cold climates. Their coats are super dense and water-resistant, which not only keeps them warm but also makes them excellent swimmers. In addition, they have massive, tufted paws that act as built-in snow boots, allowing them to walk comfortably on snow and ice. And to top it all off, their extra long, bushy tails can be wrapped around their bodies for additional warmth.

Meowless Kitties

While most cats let out a meow to communicate with their human companions, Maine Coon cats have a unique way of expressing themselves. Rather than meowing, they chirp and trill, which is a combination of a meow and a purr. This chirping behavior is believed to be a result of their background as mousers and hunters, as chirping is a common behavior among cats when they see prey. It is also thought that Maine Coon cats use trills to express happiness and contentment. So if you’re a fan of cute and unique sounds, a Maine Coon cat might be the perfect pet for you.

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Cat That Likes Water

Cat That Likes Water

Contrary to the stereotype that cats dislike water, Maine Coon cats actually enjoy being in the water. Their coats are densely packed and moisture-resistant, which allows them to stay relatively dry even when they are exposed to water. This, combined with their love for swimming, makes Maine Coon cats unique among their feline counterparts. So if you have a swimming pool or enjoy boating, a Maine Coon cat might just be the perfect companion for your aquatic adventures.

First Prize Cat

Maine Coon cats have a long history in the world of cat shows and competitions. In fact, at the first American cat show held in New York City’s Madison Square Garden in 1895, a brown tabby Maine Coon named Cosey took first place. This win propelled the popularity of Maine Coon cats, and they quickly became a sought-after breed among cat enthusiasts. Since then, Maine Coon cats have continued to excel in various cat shows and competitions, showcasing their beauty, grace, and friendly personalities.

Official State Cat of Maine

In 1985, Maine Coon cats were officially recognized as the state cat of Maine. This recognition is a testament to the breed’s close association with the state and its unique history. From their origins in Maine to their ability to thrive in the harsh winter weather, Maine Coon cats embody the spirit of the state and have become a beloved symbol of pride for its residents.

Guinness World Records Cats

Maine Coon cats are known for their large size, but some individuals take it to a whole new level. One such cat named Stewie holds the Guinness World Record for being the world’s longest domestic cat. From nose to tail, Stewie measured a whopping 48.5 inches in length, far exceeding the average length of 39 to 40 inches for Maine Coon cats. This impressive record showcases the potential size and magnificence of Maine Coon cats.

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Ground-Breaking Science Cat

Ground-Breaking Science Cat

Maine Coon cats have made their mark in the world of science as well. In 2004, a Maine Coon named Little Nicky became the first pet to be commercially cloned. His owner paid a staggering $50,000 to clone some of Little Nicky’s tissue that she had saved in a gene bank. The cloned kitty looked and acted just like Little Nicky, proving that cloning technology had advanced to the point where it could replicate beloved pets. This groundbreaking achievement in pet cloning opened up new possibilities for preserving and continuing the legacy of cherished animals.


How big is a Maine Coon cat?

Maine Coon cats are known for their size and can be quite large compared to other cat breeds. On average, male Maine Coon cats can weigh between 11 to 25 pounds, while females can weigh between 8 to 16 pounds. However, it’s important to note that individual Maine Coon cats can vary in size, and some may be larger or smaller than the average.

How long do Maine Coon cats live?

Maine Coon cats have a relatively long lifespan compared to other cat breeds. On average, Maine Coon cats can live between 12 to 15 years. With proper care, a Maine Coon cat can live a long and healthy life, providing companionship and joy to their human family.

What do Maine Coon cats eat?

Like all cats, Maine Coon cats have specific dietary needs to maintain their health and well-being. It is recommended to feed them a high-quality cat food that is specifically formulated for their age, size, and activity level. Additionally, Maine Coon cats may benefit from a diet that includes a balanced mix of both wet and dry cat food. It’s always a good idea to consult with a veterinarian to determine the best diet for your Maine Coon cat and to address any specific dietary concerns or sensitivities.

In conclusion, Maine Coon cats are a fascinating breed with a rich history and unique characteristics. From their interesting origin stories to their varied coats, these gentle giants have captured the hearts of cat lovers worldwide. Whether you are already a Maine Coon parent or considering adopting one, their friendly personalities, love for water, and impressive size make them a truly special addition to any family.

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