How to Keep Cats Cool in Summer

by beaconpet
How to Keep Your Cat Cool in Summer

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Are you worried about how to keep your beloved cat cool during the hot summer months? Heat stroke is a real concern for cats and it’s important to take steps to prevent them from overheating. Signs of heatstroke in cats include panting, breathing through the mouth, lethargy, and lying on one’s side. To keep your cat cool and comfortable, you can provide airflow through an air conditioner, standing fan, open window, or ceiling fan. Additionally, special cooling mats made with fabric that help regulate temperature can be a great choice. Blocking sunlight with window shades and blinds can also keep the room cooler. And don’t forget to provide shade and access to cool, clean water for your outdoor cat. By implementing the simple solutions that Beaconpet offers, you can ensure that your feline friend stays cool and safe throughout the summer.

How to Keep Your Cat Cool in Summer

How to Keep Your Cat Cool in Summer

During the hot summer months, it’s important to take extra steps to keep your cat cool and prevent heatstroke. Cats can quickly become overheated if they are unable to regulate their body temperature. Fortunately, there are several simple solutions to help ensure your feline friend stays comfortable and cool all summer long.

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Air conditioning units can help keep your cat cool.

Air conditioning is the most effective way to keep your indoor cat cool during hot weather. Ensuring that your air conditioning unit is running properly and set to a comfortable temperature will provide a cool and comfortable environment for your furry friend.

Standing fans can provide airflow.

If you don’t have air conditioning, standing fans can provide some relief for your cat. Positioning these fans strategically around your home can help create a breeze and circulate the air, helping to keep your cat cool.

Open windows can allow for natural air circulation.

Opening windows can allow for natural air circulation in your home. This can help create a cool and refreshing environment, especially if there is a breeze outside. Just make sure that your windows have secure screens to prevent your cat from escaping.

Ceiling fans can help keep the air moving.

Ceiling fans can help keep the air moving in your home, providing a cooling effect for both you and your cat. It’s important to ensure that your cat cannot reach the ceiling fan blades to prevent any accidents or injuries.

Cooling Mats

Special cooling mats can be purchased for your cat.

Cooling mats are specifically designed to help keep your cat cool during hot weather. These mats are made of fabrics that have cooling properties and are comfortable for your cat to lie on.

These mats are made of fabrics that help keep your cat cool.

The fabrics used in cooling mats have properties that can help lower your cat’s body temperature. These mats are often made with materials that are cool to the touch and can easily absorb and dissipate heat.

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Some cooling mats contain special interior components like gels and foams.

In addition to the cooling fabrics, some cooling mats also contain special interior components like gels and foams. These components work to further cool your cat by absorbing and dissipating heat.

Window Curtains and Blinds

Closing curtains or blinds can block sunlight and keep the room cooler.

Closing curtains or blinds can effectively block sunlight from entering your home, helping to keep the room cooler. By keeping the room shaded, you can create a more comfortable environment for your cat, especially if you don’t have air conditioning.



Offering a cat house provides shade for outdoor cats.

If your cat spends time outdoors, providing a cat house can give them a shaded area to retreat to. This will protect them from direct sunlight and help them stay cool. Make sure the cat house is easily accessible for your cat and placed in a shaded area of your yard.

Ensure the cat house is easily accessible for your cat.

When setting up a cat house for outdoor use, it’s important to ensure that your cat can easily access it. Avoid placing it in an area that is difficult for your cat to reach. Additionally, make sure the cat house is stable and secure to prevent any accidents.

Provide clean, cool water for your cat if they are outside on a warm day.

If your cat is spending time outside on a warm day, it’s essential to provide them with clean and cool water. Hydration is key to keeping your cat cool and healthy during hot weather. Make sure the water is easily accessible and regularly replenished.


Tile floors naturally stay cooler than carpets and wood floors.

If your home has tile floors, you’re in luck! Tile naturally stays cooler than other flooring materials, such as carpets and wood floors. Your cat may seek out these cooler areas to lie on, providing them with a naturally cool and comfortable spot to relax.

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If you don’t have tiles, you can purchase large tiles to place on your carpet for your cat to lie on.

If your home doesn’t have tile floors, there’s still a solution! You can purchase large tiles from a home improvement store and place them on your carpet for your cat to lie on. This will create a cool spot for them to rest and provide relief from the heat.

Flowing Water

Cats are more likely to drink water if it’s moving.

Cats are naturally attracted to moving water. They are more likely to drink water if it’s flowing, as it mimics the running water they might encounter in the wild. Providing your cat with a source of flowing water can help keep them hydrated and cool.

A cat water fountain can provide flowing water for your cat.

Investing in a cat water fountain is a great way to provide your cat with a constant source of flowing water. These fountains have filters and recirculate the water, ensuring that it remains fresh and appealing to your cat.



A haircut can prevent long-haired cats from overheating.

If your cat has long hair or a thick coat, a haircut can help prevent them from overheating. By trimming their fur, you’re removing some of the insulation that can contribute to heat retention. However, it’s important to consult a professional groomer for best results.

Consider a lion cut for extra fluffy felines.

For cats with extra fluffy fur, a lion cut can be an option. This haircut involves shaving most of the fur, leaving a mane around the head and fur on the tip of the tail and legs. It’s important to keep in mind that this may not be suitable for cats that spend a lot of time outdoors.

Use a professional groomer for best results.

Giving your cat a haircut is not always an easy task, especially if they are not accustomed to grooming. It’s recommended to seek the services of a professional groomer who can safely and effectively give your cat the haircut they need.

Wet Food

Feeding wet food can provide additional hydration for your cat.

Wet food has a higher moisture content compared to dry food. Feeding your cat wet food can provide them with extra hydration, helping to keep them cool and prevent dehydration.

Wet food has a higher moisture content compared to dry food.

Dry food is notorious for having low moisture content, which can contribute to dehydration in cats, especially during hot weather. Wet food, on the other hand, has a higher moisture content, making it an excellent choice for keeping your cat hydrated.

Can cats get heatstroke?

Can cats get heatstroke?

Yes, cats can get heatstroke if they are in a warm environment they can’t cool off from.

Cats can indeed suffer from heatstroke if they are exposed to a warm environment that they are unable to cool off from. It’s important to recognize the signs of heatstroke and take immediate action if your cat is displaying them.

What are the signs of heatstroke in cats?

Signs of heatstroke in cats include panting, open mouth breathing, lethargy, and lying on their side.

Heatstroke in cats can be accompanied by various signs and symptoms. Panting, open mouth breathing, lethargy, and lying on their side are some common indicators that your cat may be experiencing heatstroke. It’s crucial to seek veterinary attention immediately if you notice these symptoms in your cat.

By following these tips and taking the necessary precautions, you can ensure that your cat stays cool and comfortable during the summer months. Remember that cats are highly susceptible to heatstroke, so it’s essential to monitor them closely, provide a cool environment, and seek veterinary attention if needed. With a little extra care, you can help your feline friend beat the summer heat and enjoy a safe and cool summer.

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