How to Stop Your Cat From Pooping in the Sink or Bathtub

by beaconpet
How to Stop Your Cat From Pooping in the Sink or Bathtub

Dealing with the unpleasant surprise of finding your cat’s waste in unexpected places like the sink or bathtub? You’re certainly not alone in this challenge. This frustrating situation might make you question why your cat has strayed from its litter box.

The good news is that there are effective solutions to this issue. By delving into the reasons behind your cat’s behavior and making some adjustments to your bathroom and litter box arrangement, you can resolve the poop-in-the-sink problem. These changes not only put an end to the dilemma but also foster a happier, cleaner environment for both you and your feline companion.

Explore effective solutions to cat behavior issues and create a harmonious living space at

Why Do Cats Poop in the Tub?

As a cat owner, you may have experienced the frustrating situation of finding your cat’s poop in the tub. It’s not the most pleasant discovery, and you may be wondering why your furry friend has decided to use your bathtub as a litter box. There are a few possible reasons for this behavior, which can be categorized into health issues and behavioral issues.

How to Stop Your Cat From Pooping in the Sink or Bathtub

Health Issues

One possible reason why your cat is pooping in the tub could be related to its health. Cats that are experiencing bladder inflammation or bladder stones may feel the need to eliminate in places other than their litter box. These health issues can cause discomfort or pain during elimination, leading your cat to associate the litter box with discomfort.

If you suspect that your cat’s tub-pooping habit is due to a health concern, it’s important to make an appointment with your vet. Your vet will be able to conduct a physical exam and possibly use bloodwork or radiographs to determine if there is an underlying infection or digestive/urinary issue. Identifying and treating any health issues can help resolve your cat’s inappropriate elimination behavior.

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Behavioral Issues

Another possible reason for your cat’s tub-pooping behavior is related to behavioral issues. Cats are creatures of habit, and any major changes in their environment or routines can cause stress and anxiety. This stress may lead your cat to poop outside of its litter box.

Examples of changes that can trigger stress in cats include the addition of a new family member or the loss of a family member, major changes in your daily routine, or the introduction of a new pet to the household.

It’s important to rule out any health issues before assuming that your cat’s behavior is solely behavioral. Once you’re sure that your cat is healthy, you can take steps to address the behavioral issues causing the tub-pooping behavior.

How to Stop It

Now that you understand the potential reasons behind your cat’s tub-pooping behavior, it’s time to take action and address the issue. Here are some recommended steps you can take to stop your cat from pooping in the tub.

Litter Box Changes

Making changes to the litter box can be an effective way to encourage your cat to use it instead of the tub. Here are some litter box changes you can try:

Add a Second Litter Box

Providing your cat with an additional litter box in a different room can give it more options for elimination. Some cats prefer to have separate litter boxes for urine and feces, so having multiple litter boxes can be beneficial.

Empty Litter Boxes Regularly

Cats are clean animals, and they prefer using a clean litter box. Ensure that you empty the litter boxes up to 2 or 3 times a day to keep them clean and inviting for your cat. Additionally, clean the litter box thoroughly once a week to eliminate any odors that may discourage your cat from using it.

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Use a Larger Size Box

The size of the litter box can also influence your cat’s preference. Choose a litter box that is about 1 1/2 times the size of your cat to ensure it has enough space to comfortably eliminate. Base the litter box size on your cat’s size, not just the location it fits in.

What to Avoid

In addition to making changes to the litter box, there are some things you should avoid as they may discourage your cat from using the litter box and encourage tub-pooping behavior.

Keep the Litter Box Away from Food and Water

Cats prefer to have their elimination area separate from their food and water sources. Ensure that the litter box is placed in a different area of the house, away from where your cat eats and drinks. This separation can help your cat feel more comfortable and minimize the chances of tub-pooping.

Avoid Covered or Automatic Cleaning Boxes

While covered litter boxes may seem like a good idea for reducing odors and containing litter, some cats may find them intimidating or claustrophobic. The noise and automatic actions of self-cleaning litter boxes can also scare cats away from using them. Opt for an open litter box instead and avoid any features that may make your cat uncomfortable.

How to Stop Your Cat From Pooping in the Sink or Bathtub

Changes to the Environment

Making some changes to the tub and sink area can help discourage your cat from pooping in these locations. Here are a couple of suggestions:

Fill the Sink and Tub with Water

Cats generally don’t enjoy walking through water, so filling the sink and tub with a small amount of water can deter your cat from entering these areas. The water acts as a physical barrier and prevents your cat from accessing its preferred spot for elimination.

Also read about:  Discover the Worst Place for Litter Box to Avoid Mess and Odor

Try a New Brand of Litter

Sometimes, cats may have preferences for certain types of litter. Experiment with different brands and types of litter to find one that your cat finds more appealing. Some cats may prefer litter with a certain texture or scent, so trying different options can help encourage your cat to use the litter box instead of the tub.

Next Steps

If your cat continues to poop in the tub despite your efforts to address the issue, it may be helpful to consult a veterinary behaviorist. These professionals specialize in feline behavior and can provide expert advice and solutions specific to your cat and living situation. They can help reteach your cat appropriate elimination behaviors and identify any underlying issues causing the behavior.

In some cases, behavioral issues may be alleviated with the use of behavior modifying medications. If the problem persists, discuss this option with your veterinarian. However, it’s important to never give your cat any medication intended for use in humans without consulting a veterinarian.

In conclusion, if your cat is pooping in the tub, it’s essential to consider both health and behavioral factors. By making changes to the litter box, avoiding certain litter box setups, and addressing any underlying health or behavioral issues, you can help your cat establish proper elimination habits and maintain a clean, odor-free bathroom environment.

For more helpful articles and resources about cat behavior and care, visit The Spruce Pets’ homepage.

How to Stop Your Cat From Pooping in the Sink or Bathtub

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That’s all for now. Remember, with a little understanding and some proactive measures, you can put an end to your cat’s tub-pooping behavior and create a harmonious living environment for both you and your feline friend.

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