How to Train Your Cat to Stop Urine Marking

by beaconpet
Check the Litter Box

If you’re facing frustration when your cat won’t stop urine marking, you’re not alone. This common behavioral problem can be both frustrating and messy. Whether your cat is spraying on vertical surfaces or defecating outside the litter box, there are steps you can take to solve this problem. From understanding the reasons behind urine marking to implementing behavior modification techniques, BECONPET will provide you with practical advice and strategies for training your cat to stop urine marking.

Check the Litter Box

Check the Litter Box

Spot location

When it comes to preventing urine marking, it’s important to start by checking the location of your cat’s litter box. Cats are particular about where they do their business, and if the litter box is in the wrong spot, they may choose to go elsewhere. Make sure the litter box is placed in a quiet and easily accessible area of your home. Avoid placing it near their food or sleeping spots, as they prefer to keep their eating and toileting areas separate.


Maintaining a clean litter box is crucial in preventing urine marking behavior. Cats are incredibly clean animals and prefer a fresh and odor-free place to do their business. Scoop the litter box at least once a day to remove waste, and completely change the litter and clean the box on a regular basis. Avoid using strong-smelling cleaning products or scented litter, as these may deter your cat from using the box.

Size and type

The size and type of litter box can also contribute to urine marking behavior. Some cats prefer larger litter boxes that give them plenty of space to maneuver, especially if they have a long tail. Additionally, cats have certain preferences when it comes to the type of litter and the texture they prefer. Experiment with different types of litter to find the one that your cat prefers, whether it’s clumping, non-clumping, or even natural alternatives like wood or paper.

Multiple boxes

If you have multiple cats in your household, it’s important to provide each cat with their own litter box. Cats are territorial animals, and having to share a litter box can create stress and tension among them. The general rule of thumb is to have one litter box per cat, plus one extra. This ensures that each cat has their own designated space to do their business and reduces the likelihood of urine marking behavior.

Reduce Stress

Maintain routine

Cats thrive on routine, and any changes or disruptions to their daily schedule can cause stress and anxiety. Try to maintain a consistent routine for your cat, including feeding times, play sessions, and even quiet time. Stick to a regular schedule as much as possible, and avoid sudden changes that may trigger urine marking behavior.

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Address environmental changes

Changes in the environment can also lead to stress and urine marking in cats. Whether it’s moving to a new home, rearranging furniture, or even introducing new pets or family members, these changes can be unsettling for your cat. Take the time to properly introduce your cat to any new additions or changes in the household, gradually allowing them to adjust and feel comfortable in their surroundings.

Manage stressors

Identify and address any specific stressors that may be affecting your cat. This could include external factors such as loud noises, construction work, or even outdoor cats that are visible from the windows. Find ways to minimize or eliminate these stressors, whether it’s through using white noise machines, closing curtains, or creating safe and secure hiding spots for your cat.

Implement a stress-reduction program

If your cat is prone to urine marking and stress-related behavior, it may be beneficial to implement a stress-reduction program. This can include activities such as interactive play sessions, puzzle toys, and even the use of calming pheromone products like Feliway. Engaging your cat in mental and physical stimulation can help reduce anxiety and redirect their focus away from urine marking.

Use Feliway and Rescue Remedy

Use Feliway and Rescue Remedy

Benefits of Feliway

Feliway is a synthetic pheromone product designed specifically for cats. It mimics the natural facial pheromones that cats use to mark their territory as safe and familiar. Feliway comes in diffuser form, which can be plugged into an electrical outlet in your home, or as a spray that can be applied to specific areas. By using Feliway, you can create a calming and reassuring environment for your cat, reducing the likelihood of urine marking behavior.

Benefits of Rescue Remedy

Rescue Remedy is a natural remedy made from flower essences that is often used to help relieve stress and anxiety in cats. It can be administered orally or added to their drinking water. Rescue Remedy is safe and gentle, and many cat owners find it helpful in reducing stress-related behaviors like urine marking. However, it’s important to consult with your veterinarian before using any holistic remedies, as they may interact with other medications.

Appropriate use and dosage

When using Feliway and Rescue Remedy, it’s important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions for proper use and dosage. Feliway diffusers should be placed in areas where your cat spends the most time, such as their sleeping or resting areas. The spray can be applied directly to surfaces that need to be marked as safe, such as a new piece of furniture or a previously soiled area. Rescue Remedy should be administered as directed by the manufacturer, and any concerns or questions should be discussed with your veterinarian.

Eliminate Odor and Create New Associations

Identify and clean soiled areas

To effectively address urine marking, it’s important to identify and clean any soiled areas in your home. Urine can contain pheromones that cats use to mark their territory, and if the scent lingers, it may continue to attract your cat to the same spot. Use a black light to locate any hidden urine stains, and clean them thoroughly with an enzyme-based odor neutralizer product. This will help eliminate the odor and discourage your cat from revisiting the area.

Use odor neutralizer products

In addition to cleaning soiled areas, using odor neutralizer products can help eliminate any lingering smells that may be attracting your cat to mark their territory. Look for products specifically designed to eliminate pet odors and stains, as they contain enzymes that break down the compounds in urine and remove the scent. Avoid using ammonia-based cleaners, as the smell can mimic urine and actually encourage your cat to mark the area again.

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Change associations with toys, cat bed, and food bowls

Cats are less likely to urine mark in areas where they feel safe, comfortable, and have positive associations. By placing their favorite toys, their bed, or their food bowls near previously soiled areas, you can change the association and make the spot less attractive for urine marking. Cats are more likely to avoid marking areas where they play, sleep, or eat.

Utilize Feliway on inappropriate spots

Feliway can also be helpful in deterring urine marking on inappropriate spots. Spray the Feliway product directly on the area where your cat has been marking, such as a wall or furniture. The scent of Feliway will create a calming and reassuring environment, and may discourage your cat from urine marking in that particular spot.

Add Another Litter Box

Multiple boxes for multiple cats

If you have multiple cats in your household, it’s important to provide each cat with their own litter box. Cats are territorial animals, and having to share a litter box can create stress and tension among them. By providing multiple litter boxes, each cat has their own designated space to do their business, reducing the likelihood of urine marking behavior.

Proper placement and size

When adding another litter box, it’s important to consider the proper placement and size. Place the litter boxes in different parts of your home, making sure they are easily accessible to each cat. Cats prefer privacy while using the litter box, so avoid placing it in high-traffic areas or near noisy appliances. In terms of size, larger litter boxes are often preferred by cats, as they provide more space to maneuver and bury their waste.

Providing scratching objects and resting places

In addition to adding another litter box, providing scratching objects and resting places for each cat is important in preventing urine marking behavior. Scratching is a natural behavior for cats, and having appropriate scratching posts or boards can help redirect their marking behavior. Cats also need their own resting spots where they can feel safe and secure. Consider providing cat trees, shelves, or cat beds throughout your home to give each cat their own designated space.

Problems and Proofing Behavior

Problems and Proofing Behavior

Health issues that may cause urine marking

In some cases, urine marking may be a sign of underlying health issues in cats. Conditions such as kidney disease, feline lower urinary tract disease (FLUTD), and cystitis can all contribute to inappropriate urination behavior. If you’re unable to stop the urine marking despite following preventive measures, it’s important to take your cat to the veterinarian for a thorough examination. They can rule out any medical conditions and provide appropriate treatment if necessary.

Importance of a vet visit

A visit to the veterinarian is crucial in addressing urine marking behavior, especially if it persists despite your best efforts. A thorough examination will help determine if there are any underlying health issues that need to be addressed. Additionally, your veterinarian can provide valuable guidance and recommendations on behavior modification techniques, medication, or any necessary treatments for medical conditions that may be contributing to urine marking.

Treating kidney disease, FLUTD, and cystitis

If your cat is diagnosed with kidney disease, FLUTD, or cystitis, treatment will depend on the specific condition. Kidney disease may require changes in diet, medication, and fluid therapy to manage symptoms and slow down the progression of the disease. FLUTD and cystitis may involve medication to relieve pain and inflammation, as well as dietary changes to promote urinary health. It’s important to follow your veterinarian’s guidance and instructions for managing these conditions.

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Consulting with a Professional

When to seek professional help

If you’re struggling to address urine marking behavior on your own, it may be time to seek professional help. A cat behaviorist or veterinarian with experience in feline behavior can provide valuable insights and guidance tailored to your specific situation. They can help identify the underlying causes of urine marking, develop a behavior modification plan, and provide support throughout the process.

Behaviorist or veterinarian?

When seeking professional help, you may wonder whether to consult a cat behaviorist or a veterinarian. While both can provide assistance, a cat behaviorist specializes in feline behavior and can offer in-depth knowledge and expertise in addressing urine marking. However, in cases where there may be underlying medical conditions contributing to the behavior, it’s important to consult with a veterinarian as well. A collaborative approach between a behaviorist and a veterinarian can provide the most comprehensive and effective solutions.

Monitoring and Reinforcement

Observing changes in behavior

As you implement preventive measures and behavior modification techniques, it’s important to closely monitor your cat’s behavior. Pay attention to any changes in their litter box usage, the frequency of urine marking, or any improvements in their overall behavior. This will help you gauge the effectiveness of the strategies you’ve implemented and make any necessary adjustments.

Implementing positive reinforcement

Positive reinforcement is an effective training technique that can be used to encourage desired behaviors and discourage unwanted behaviors. Whenever your cat uses the litter box correctly or shows signs of reduced urine marking, provide praise, treats, or playtime as a reward. This positive reinforcement helps reinforce the desired behavior and encourages your cat to continue using the litter box appropriately.

Avoiding punishment

It’s important to avoid using punishment as a means of addressing urine marking. Punishment can create fear and anxiety in your cat, which may exacerbate the problem or lead to other behavioral issues. Instead, focus on positive reinforcement and providing a cat-friendly environment that encourages proper litter box usage.

Creating a Cat-Friendly Environment

Creating a Cat-Friendly Environment

Providing vertical space and hideouts

Cats are naturally inclined to climb and explore vertical spaces. Providing tall cat trees, shelves, or perches allows them to have their own vertical territory and escape from potential stressors or conflicts with other pets. In addition, cat hideouts such as cozy beds, boxes, or covered crates can offer a sense of security and privacy for your cat.

Minimizing stress-inducing stimuli

Take steps to minimize stress-inducing stimuli in your cat’s environment. This may include reducing noise levels, blocking the view of outdoor cats or wildlife, or creating designated safe zones where your cat can retreat to if they feel overwhelmed. Providing a calm and peaceful environment can help reduce anxiety and the likelihood of urine marking.

Creating a calm and predictable environment

Cats thrive in a calm and predictable environment. Maintain a consistent daily routine for feeding, playtime, and quiet time. Avoid sudden changes or disruptions to their schedule as much as possible. By creating a stable and predictable environment, you can help reduce stress and anxiety in your cat, contributing to a decrease in urine marking behavior.

Additional Tips and Resources

Using pheromone diffusers

In addition to Feliway, there are other pheromone diffusers available on the market that can help reduce stress and anxiety in cats. These diffusers release synthetic pheromones that mimic the natural markers of safety and comfort for cats. They can be helpful in creating a calming environment and reducing urine marking behavior.

Consulting online resources and forums

There are numerous online resources and forums dedicated to cat behavior and urine marking. These can provide valuable insights, tips, and support from fellow cat owners who have dealt with similar issues. It’s important to keep in mind that not all information found online may be reliable or accurate, so always cross-reference information with reputable sources or consult with a professional.

Considering holistic remedies

Holistic remedies, such as herbal supplements or homeopathic treatments, are sometimes used to address urine marking and stress-related behavior in cats. While these remedies may be beneficial for some cats, it’s essential to consult with your veterinarian before using them. They can provide guidance on the appropriate use, dosage, and potential interactions with any other medications your cat may be taking.

In conclusion, addressing urine marking behavior in cats requires a comprehensive approach that involves understanding their needs, providing a cat-friendly environment, and implementing preventive measures and behavior modification techniques. By following the tips outlined in this article and seeking professional help when needed, you can create a harmonious and stress-free living environment for both you and your cat. Remember, patience and consistency are key in addressing urine marking and helping your cat live a happy and fulfilled life.

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