How to Train Your Mean Cat to Be Nicer

by beaconpet
Understand Why Your Cat Is Mean

If you find yourself living with a mean cat, you know how stressful it can be for both you and your furry friend. But don’t worry, Beaconpet has many ways to train your cat to be better. Different cats exhibit different behaviors and some may be more prone to hissing, scratching or biting. Understanding the reasons behind your cat’s mean behavior is the first step to solving the problem. It could be due to health problems, recent life events, stress, or misunderstandings about your cat’s behavior. Once you determine the cause, you can make behavioral changes, create a stress-free environment, and work to improve communication with your cat. While it may take time and patience, with the right strategies you can make your mean cat look much better.

Understand Why Your Cat Is Mean

Understand Why Your Cat Is Mean

Living with a mean cat can be a stressful situation. The stress can be felt by you, your human family members, and the cat. The H.I.S.S. Test, which stands for health, instinct, stress, and symptom solvers, can be helpful to understand what’s going on with your cat and is a helpful first step in examining a mean cat.

Health—Examine Your Cat for Problems

Cats can become withdrawn when they don’t feel well. If you notice a change in behavior but cannot figure out why it may be stemming from an underlying health issue. A health check is always a good idea when a cat’s behavior changes suddenly. Schedule an appointment with your veterinarian and bring notes about specific changes, behaviors, or anything else that could be helpful to explain what is going on with your feline.

Instinct—Consider Recent Life Events

Cats are creatures of habit. They also learn what is safe and what is scary very early in life. Anything “new” such as a strange house or people, can put their tails in a twist when they feel uneasy or even frightened. If there have been changes in the cat’s life, think about how these may impact behaviors and how you can help your cat handle the changes.

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Stress—Lower Levels for You and Your Cat

The stress of living in a new place, with strangers and an altered schedule, often can cause upset kitty feelings and a change in behavior. Cats that have a close bond with their human owners also can be sensitive to your feelings of stress and act accordingly. Examine stress levels in your household to see if this is having an impact.

Symptom—Re-examine Signs of Meanness

If you have what you think is a mean can, there is a chance you may be interpreting the cat’s behaviors in an inaccurate manner. Cats show love and affection in ways that humans don’t always understand. In a similar way, humans show love and affection in very distinct ways that cats don’t understand! Humans are primates. We hug, we touch and cuddle, we want to be near each other. But to a cat, a hug feels like being smothered! A hug is a confining and scary sensation to cats. Especially when a kitty already feels under stress, it will want to control the interaction. For example, a hiss actually is a warning and sign of fearfulness; a hissing cat wants you to keep your distance.

Training Your Cat to Be Less Mean

If you think you have determined the cause of your cat’s meanness, the next step is to make some behavioral changes. If it’s a health issue, hopefully, your vet has provided some insight and the behavioral problems are no longer present. If the meanness is due to an instinctual issue, you may have to focus on behavioral changes and retraining your cat. If the meanness is due to stress, try to keep your cat’s environment as stress-free as possible: Set up a safe room or safe area where your cat can retreat. Finally, if it’s a communication issue your cat needs to learn to understand what you are communicating and you need to learn some basic cat communication.

Behavioral Changes for Health Issues

If the root of your cat’s meanness is a health issue, it’s important to address that first. Follow the advice of your veterinarian and make any necessary changes to your cat’s diet, exercise routine, or overall healthcare. Once your cat is feeling better physically, their behavior may improve as well.

Behavioral Changes for Instinctual Issues

If your cat’s meanness is rooted in their instinctual behaviors, there are techniques you can use to help modify their behavior. For example, if your cat tends to scratch or bite when they feel threatened, you can work on desensitizing them to the triggering stimuli. This may involve gradually introducing them to the source of their fear in a controlled and positive way.

Creating a Stress-Free Environment

If your cat is exhibiting meanness due to stress, it’s important to create a calm and peaceful environment for them. This may involve providing them with a designated safe space where they can retreat when they feel overwhelmed. You can also incorporate activities that help reduce stress, such as interactive toys, puzzle feeders, and calming scents.

Improving Communication with Your Cat

If your cat is exhibiting meanness due to a miscommunication between you and them, it’s important to work on improving your understanding of each other. Learn to read your cat’s body language and vocalizations so that you can better anticipate their needs and respond appropriately. Additionally, consider enrolling in a cat training class or working with a professional cat behaviorist who can provide personalized guidance.

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Problems and Proofing Behavior

Problems and Proofing Behavior

A common error is that cat owners expect behavior to change overnight. Unless you have resolved a health issue, this is likely not the case. Give your cat time to change and focus on the positives. Getting angry with your cat for being mean will not help, and likely only add to the bad behavior. Keep trying, seek professional help, and have patience with your pet cat (and yourself). A feline behavioral specialist will be able to help with a seriously mean cat. They will likely meet the cat in its home environment, see its behavior, and then come up with recommendations to help your cat (and you) alter the behavior.

Expecting Behavior to Change Overnight

It’s important to have realistic expectations when it comes to changing your cat’s behavior. Remember that behavior modification takes time and consistency. Don’t get discouraged if you don’t see immediate results. Instead, focus on the small improvements your cat makes and celebrate their progress along the way.

Focusing on the Positives

Instead of dwelling on your cat’s mean behavior, try to shift your focus to their positive traits and actions. By rewarding good behavior and providing plenty of praise and affection when your cat acts kindly, you can reinforce the behaviors you want to see more of. Positive reinforcement is a powerful tool in training and can help your cat learn new behaviors.

Seeking Professional Help

If you’ve tried various techniques and strategies but are still struggling to improve your cat’s meanness, don’t hesitate to reach out to a professional. A feline behavioral specialist or a veterinarian with experience in behavior medicine can provide expert guidance tailored to your cat’s specific needs. They may be able to shed light on the underlying causes of your cat’s meanness and provide effective solutions.

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Understand Why Your Cat Is Mean

Understanding why your cat is mean is the first step towards finding solutions and improving your relationship with your feline companion. By examining their health, considering recent life events, managing their stress levels, and re-evaluating the signs of meanness, you can begin to address the root causes of their behavior.

Training your cat to be less mean requires patience, consistency, and a deep understanding of their needs. By implementing behavioral changes, creating a stress-free environment, and improving communication, you can help your cat develop new behaviors and reduce their meanness over time.

Remember that behavior modification takes time, and it’s important to have realistic expectations. Celebrate the small victories along the way and seek professional help if needed. With dedication and understanding, you can help your mean cat become a friendlier and happier companion.

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