Jogging with Your Puppy: Know the Risks

by beaconpet
Jogging with Your Puppy: Know the Risks

Jogging with your puppy can be a great way to bond and get some exercise, but it’s important to know the risks involved. Puppies, especially those that are still growing, are more susceptible to injuries during rigorous activities like jogging. Their growth plates, which are softer than other parts of their bones, can be easily damaged, leading to bone deformities and other complications. It’s crucial to wait until your puppy’s growth plates have closed before starting a regular jogging routine, and in the meantime, stick to low-impact exercises that are safe for their developing bodies. By being mindful of your puppy’s physical limitations, you can ensure their overall well-being and prevent any long-term damage. Read it now at bea con pet!

Risks of Jogging with a Puppy

Risks of Jogging with a Puppy


Jogging with your dog can be a wonderful way to exercise and spend time together. However, when it comes to jogging with a puppy, there are some additional risks involved. Young dogs, especially those whose growth plates have not yet closed, are more susceptible to injuries and should be handled with care when it comes to strenuous physical activity. In this article, we will explore the risks of jogging with a puppy, the importance of growth plates in young dogs, the appropriate age for jogging, exercises to avoid, and safe exercises for a puppy.

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Growth Plate Injuries in Young Dogs

Importance of Growth Plates in Dogs

Growth plates are areas of cartilage near the ends of long bones in young dogs. They are responsible for the growth and development of bones until they reach maturity. During this time, growth plates are soft and contain many extra blood vessels, making them more vulnerable to injuries.

Types of Injuries to Growth Plates

There are several ways that a puppy’s growth plates can be injured. Trauma, such as being dropped or hit by a car, can cause damage to the growth plates. Repetitive impact exercises, like jumping or running on hard surfaces, can also put stress on the growth plates and lead to injuries.

Consequences of Growth Plate Injuries

If a puppy’s growth plates are injured before they have sealed, it can result in permanent deformities and bone abnormalities. The damaged cells stop growing, while the healthy areas continue to grow, causing the bone to become bent or twisted. In severe cases, this can lead to arthritis, abnormal joint movement, and loss of function in the affected limb. It is crucial to diagnose and treat growth plate injuries quickly to minimize the long-term impact on a puppy’s health.

At What Age Can You Jog With Your Puppy?

At What Age Can You Jog With Your Puppy?

Age of Growth Plate Closure

The age at which a puppy’s growth plates close and reach maturity can vary depending on the breed. Most dogs experience their peak growth between 4 and 8 months of age. However, larger breeds may continue to grow until they are 18 months old or even longer. It is essential to consult with your veterinarian to determine if your puppy’s growth plates have closed before starting a regular jogging routine.

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Variations in Closure Time Based on Breed

Every breed matures at a different rate, and it is crucial to consider this when deciding when to start jogging with your puppy. Larger and giant breeds, such as Great Danes or Saint Bernards, have slower growth rates and, therefore, take longer for their growth plates to close. Breeds with faster growth rates, like small or medium-sized dogs, may be ready to start jogging at an earlier age. Your veterinarian can provide guidance based on your specific breed’s characteristics.

Avoiding Strenuous Exercise With Your Puppy

Avoiding Strenuous Exercise With Your Puppy

High-Endurance Activities to Avoid

While jogging and other high-impact activities may be suitable for adult dogs, they should be avoided until a puppy’s growth plates have closed. Activities that involve a lot of jumping, running on hard surfaces, or sudden stops and turns can put excessive stress on a puppy’s still-developing bones and joints. It is best to wait until your puppy is fully mature before introducing these types of exercises.

Impact of Repetitive Movements on Joints

Repetitive movements, such as running or jumping, can strain a puppy’s joints and increase the risk of injury. Their bones and cartilage are still growing, and continuous stress on these structures can lead to long-term issues. It is essential to choose exercises that are low-impact and gentle on their developing bodies.

Benefits of Low-Impact Exercises

Low-impact exercises, such as walking and swimming, are much safer for puppies. These activities provide the benefits of exercise without putting excessive strain on their joints. Walking allows your puppy to explore their environment while getting some physical activity, while swimming is a great way to build strength and endurance without the impact of running or jumping.

Safe Exercises for a Puppy

Safe Exercises for a Puppy

Daily Short Exercise Periods

Instead of engaging in long, strenuous workouts, puppies should have short and frequent exercise periods throughout the day. These sessions can include playing with your puppy in a controlled environment, such as your backyard or a secure indoor area. By breaking up exercise into smaller intervals, you can ensure that your puppy’s body has time to rest and recover between activities.

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Playing and Practicing Obedience

Playing with your puppy is not only fun but also a great way to exercise their bodies and minds. Incorporate games of fetch, tug-of-war, and hide-and-seek into your playtime sessions. These activities allow your puppy to burn off energy while promoting mental stimulation and bonding.

Practicing obedience training with your puppy is another excellent way to provide exercise and mental stimulation. Teach them basic commands, such as sit, stay, and come, and gradually increase the difficulty as they progress. Obedience training helps your puppy develop focus, confidence, and problem-solving skills.

Teaching Basic Nose Work

Nose work is a fantastic activity for puppies as it engages their natural instincts and provides mental and physical stimulation. Start by hiding treats or toys around your home or in the yard and encourage your puppy to search for them using their sense of smell. This game is not only fun but also helps develop their scenting abilities and provides a low-impact form of exercise.

The Five-Minute Rule

Many breeders and trainers recommend following the “five-minute rule” when it comes to exercising puppies. The rule suggests that puppies should have five minutes of organized exercise per day for every month of their age. For example, an 8-week-old puppy should have around 10 minutes of exercise per day. Organized exercises include controlled walks, short training sessions, and supervised playtime. Following this rule ensures that your puppy gets enough physical activity without overexerting themselves.


Jogging with a puppy can be a risky activity due to the vulnerability of their growth plates. It is crucial to wait until a puppy’s growth plates have closed and consult with your veterinarian before starting a regular jogging routine. Instead of engaging in high-impact exercises, focus on low-impact activities like walking and swimming to provide exercise without putting excessive strain on their developing bodies. Incorporate short training sessions, playtime, and nose work games to stimulate their minds and bodies. By being mindful of the risks and taking appropriate precautions, you can ensure that your puppy stays happy and healthy during exercise.

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