Polydactyl cats: Born with more toes than usual

by beaconpet
Polydactyl cats: Born with more toes than usual

Imagine a world where cats have more toes than usual. It sounds fictional but it’s true for polydactyl cats. These unique cats are born with extra toes on their feet due to a genetic abnormality. Even though they have six or more toes on each foot, these adorable cats defy the norm. In addition to their unique appearance, polydactyl cats actually benefit from their extra digits. Enhanced balance and superior climbing ability are just some of the advantages they enjoy. But polydactyl cats aren’t just attractive; they also have historical significance. Considered lucky, they are often found on ships for pest control. Even famous novelist Ernest Hemingway had a group of polydactyl cats in his house. Although this genetic trait was once common in Maine Coon cats, it has now been bred in many individuals. However, the record for the most toes belongs to a cat named Jake, with a staggering 28 toes. So, prepare to be amazed by the fascinating world of polydactyl cats with BEACONPET!

What is polydactylism?

Polydactyl cats: Born with more toes than usual

Polydactylism is a genetic abnormality that affects cats, causing them to be born with more than the usual number of toes on their paws. Rather than the usual five toes on their front paws and four toes on their hind paws, polydactyl cats can have six or more toes on each paw. This fascinating condition is caused by a genetic mutation in a dominant gene, which alters the normal development of the cat’s paws. Polydactylism can occur in any cat breed and has been documented throughout history.

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Causes of polydactylism

Polydactylism is primarily caused by a genetic mutation in a dominant gene. This mutation affects the development of the cat’s paws during embryonic development, resulting in the formation of extra toes. This mutation can be passed down from the cat’s parents, making polydactylism an inheritable condition. The inheritance patterns of polydactylism can vary, but it generally follows a dominant pattern, meaning a cat only needs to inherit the mutation from one parent to display polydactylism.

Types of polydactyl paws

There are three main types of polydactyl paws: postaxial, preaxial, and mesoaxial. Postaxial polydactyl paws occur when the extra toes are located on the outer edge of the paw, next to the little toe. Preaxial polydactyl paws refer to extra toes that are located on the inner edge of the paw, next to the thumb. Mesoaxial polydactyl paws involve extra toes located in the middle of the paw. Each type of polydactyl paw can have varying numbers of extra toes, ranging from one extra toe to several.

Characteristics of polydactyl cats

Polydactyl cats are unique and distinct due to their additional toes. The most obvious characteristic is the number of toes they possess. While most cats have five toes on their front paws and four toes on their hind paws, polydactyl cats can have a varying number of toes on each paw. The extra toes can contribute to their physical appearance, giving them a more “mitten-like” or “thumb-like” appearance. Despite their unique physical trait, polydactyl cats exhibit behavioral traits that are similar to non-polydactyl cats.

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Benefits of extra toes

Benefits of extra toes

Having extra toes can actually offer some benefits to polydactyl cats. One of the main advantages is improved balance. The additional toes provide a broader base of support, allowing polydactyl cats to maintain better stability and maneuverability. This can be particularly helpful when navigating tricky surfaces or engaging in activities that require heightened agility. In addition, the extra toes can enhance their climbing abilities, allowing them to grip surfaces more securely. These traits make polydactyl cats well-suited for an adventurous life.

Polydactyl cats throughout history

Polydactyl cats have captured the fascination of humans throughout history and have been associated with various beliefs and traditions. In many cultures, polydactyl cats are considered lucky. This belief stems from their extraordinary nature and the rarity of their condition. Polydactyl cats were often found on ships as vermin controllers due to their enhanced hunting skills. Sailors believed that having a polydactyl cat onboard brought good luck and protected against misfortune. One famous admirer of polydactyl cats was the renowned author Ernest Hemingway, who had a colony of polydactyl cats living in his home.

Polydactyly in specific cat breeds

While polydactyly can occur in any cat breed, it was once particularly prevalent in Maine Coon cats. This breed, known for its large size and bushy tail, often exhibited polydactylism. However, as breed standards began to evolve, polydactyl traits were bred out in many Maine Coon cats. Today, polydactyly in Maine Coon cats is less common but still occasionally found. Some other cat breeds may also have occasional polydactyl individuals, but it is generally not a desired trait and is actively bred against.

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Famous polydactyl cats

Among the many polydactyl cats throughout history, one stands out for holding the world record for the most toes. That cat is named Jake, who had an astonishing 28 toes in total. Jake’s remarkable feat earned him a place in the Guinness World Records, solidifying his status as a truly unique and exceptional feline. His record continues to capture the imagination of cat lovers around the world.

Polydactyl cats as pets

Polydactyl cats as pets

If you are considering adopting a polydactyl cat, there are a few considerations to keep in mind. First and foremost, it’s important to understand that polydactyl cats require the same level of care and attention as any other cat. Their extra toes do not affect their overall health or lifespan. However, it’s worth noting that some individuals may require special care and maintenance, particularly if their extra toes lead to issues such as ingrown nails or difficulty walking. Regular veterinary check-ups and proper grooming can help ensure their well-being.


Polydactylism is a fascinating genetic abnormality that can result in cats being born with more than the usual number of toes on their paws. While it is primarily caused by a genetic mutation, it can occur in any cat breed. Polydactyl cats have captivated people throughout history, and their unique traits have been associated with good luck and adventure. Whether as pets or as historical figures, polydactyl cats continue to leave their mark on the world. So, if you ever encounter a polydactyl cat, consider yourself lucky to witness such a special and extraordinary feline.

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