Struvite crystals: Causes, symptoms, and treatment in cats

by beaconpet
Struvite Crystals in Cats

In this article, Beaconpet will discuss struvite crystals and their impact on our feline friends. These crystals can form in your cat’s urinary tract, leading to painful and uncomfortable excretion. Composed of magnesium, ammonium and phosphate, struvite crystals can cause a range of symptoms, including urinating outside the litter box, frequent trips to the litter box, changes in urine color and odor and even Even chronic urinary tract infections. We will also explore the causes of these crystals, such as concentrated urine and increased levels of magnesium and phosphorus. Furthermore, we will dive into the different methods used to diagnose and treat this condition, including prescription diets and surgical excision. In short, we’ll provide some valuable advice on prevention, giving you the tools to keep your feline friend happy and healthy.

Causes of Struvite Crystals

Struvite Crystals in Cats

Struvite crystals can form urinary tract stones in cats, which can cause discomfort and pain during elimination. These crystals are composed of magnesium, ammonium, and phosphate. There are several factors that can contribute to the formation of struvite crystals in cats.

Concentrated Urine

One of the main causes of struvite crystals is concentrated urine. When a cat’s urine is highly concentrated, it means that there is an excessive amount of waste products, including magnesium and phosphorus, in the urine. This can create an environment conducive to the formation of struvite crystals.

Increased Urine pH

An increased urine pH can also contribute to the formation of struvite crystals. In cats, the urine is normally slightly acidic, which helps prevent the formation of crystals. However, if the urine becomes more alkaline, it can promote the formation of struvite crystals.

Increased Levels of Magnesium and Phosphorus in the Urine

Elevated levels of magnesium and phosphorus in the urine can also contribute to the formation of struvite crystals. The presence of these minerals in higher concentrations provides the raw materials necessary for the crystals to form.

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It is important to note that these causes are interrelated and often occur together. Concentrated urine can lead to an increased urinary pH, which, in turn, can create an environment that supports the formation of struvite crystals. Additionally, if a cat’s diet is high in magnesium and phosphorus, it can contribute to the increased levels of these minerals in the urine, further increasing the risk of struvite crystal formation.

Diagnosis of Struvite Crystals

Diagnosing struvite crystals involves a thorough examination by a veterinarian to determine the underlying cause and severity of the condition. The following are common diagnostic methods used:


A detailed history of your cat’s symptoms, including any recent changes in behavior or elimination patterns, is an important initial step in diagnosing struvite crystals. Providing accurate information about your cat’s diet, water intake, and any recent changes in the household environment can help the veterinarian assess the potential causes and contributing factors.

Physical Exam

During a physical examination, the veterinarian will visually inspect your cat and palpate the abdomen to check for any abnormalities or signs of discomfort. They may also feel for any bladder stones or enlarged kidneys.


Bloodwork can provide valuable information about your cat’s overall health and kidney function. Elevated levels of certain blood markers, such as blood urea nitrogen (BUN) and creatinine, may indicate kidney dysfunction associated with struvite crystals.


A urinalysis involves testing a sample of your cat’s urine to detect the presence of struvite crystals and evaluate the urine’s pH and concentration. It can help confirm the diagnosis of struvite crystals and provide insights into the severity of the condition.

Urine Culture

A urine culture is a laboratory test that identifies the specific bacteria causing a urinary tract infection. If the cat has chronic urinary infections associated with struvite crystals, a urine culture can help determine the most appropriate antibiotic treatment.

Imaging Tests (X-rays and Ultrasound)

Imaging tests, such as X-rays and ultrasound, can provide visual confirmation of the presence of bladder stones or crystals in the urinary tract. These tests can also help determine the size, location, and composition of the stones, which can guide treatment options.

The combination of these diagnostic methods allows veterinarians to accurately diagnose struvite crystals and tailor the treatment plan to the specific needs of the cat.

Symptoms of Struvite Crystals

Symptoms of Struvite Crystals

Recognizing the symptoms of struvite crystals is crucial in order to seek appropriate veterinary care for your cat. The following are common symptoms associated with struvite crystals:

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Urinating Outside the Litter Box

One of the telltale signs of struvite crystals is urinating outside the litter box. Cats may start to associate the litter box with pain or discomfort, leading them to avoid using it and choose other areas to urinate.

Urinating Small Amounts of Urine

Cats with struvite crystals may urinate smaller amounts of urine than usual. This can be a result of the crystals obstructing the urinary tract, making it difficult for the cat to pass urine normally.

Frequent Trips to the Litter Box

Cats with struvite crystals often make frequent trips to the litter box. They may have an increased urge to urinate due to the irritation caused by the crystals.

Vocalizing and Straining During Urination

Straining and vocalizing during urination is another common symptom of struvite crystals. The crystals can cause discomfort and pain during urination, leading to these visible signs of distress.

Changes in Color and Odor of Urine

The presence of struvite crystals can result in changes in the color and odor of the cat’s urine. The urine may appear cloudy or have a strong ammonia-like smell.

Excessive Grooming and Licking of the Genital Area

Cats with struvite crystals may exhibit excessive grooming and licking of the genital area. This behavior can be a response to the discomfort caused by the crystals.


If your cat is displaying a lack of energy or seems unusually tired, it could be a symptom of struvite crystals. The discomfort and pain associated with the crystals can cause lethargy in affected cats.

Decreased Appetite

A decreased appetite can be a sign that something is not right with your cat’s health. Cats with struvite crystals may lose their appetite or show a decreased interest in food.

Chronic Urinary Infections

Struvite crystals can increase the risk of developing chronic urinary tract infections in cats. The crystals can irritate the lining of the urinary tract, making it more susceptible to bacterial infections.

If you observe any of these symptoms in your cat, it is important to consult with a veterinarian as soon as possible for a proper diagnosis and treatment.

Treatment Options for Struvite Crystals

Treatment Options for Struvite Crystals

Once diagnosed, treatment for struvite crystals aims to alleviate symptoms, dissolve the stones if possible, and prevent their recurrence. The following are common treatment options:

Prescription Diet to Dissolve the Stones

One of the primary treatment options for struvite crystals is a prescription diet formulated to dissolve the stones. These diets are designed to promote a urinary environment that discourages crystal formation and helps dissolve existing stones. They often have controlled levels of magnesium, phosphorus, and other minerals that contribute to crystals’ formation.

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Surgical Removal

In cases where the struvite crystals cannot be adequately managed with a prescription diet, surgical removal may be necessary. This procedure is typically performed under general anesthesia and involves accessing the urinary tract to remove the stones. Surgery may be recommended for larger stones or if there is a risk of urinary tract obstruction.

The most appropriate treatment option for your cat depends on various factors, including the size and location of the stones, the severity of symptoms, and your cat’s overall health.

Prevention of Struvite Crystals

Prevention of Struvite Crystals

While treatment options are available, the best approach to dealing with struvite crystals is to prevent their formation in the first place. Implementing the following preventive measures can significantly reduce the risk of struvite crystals in cats:

Keeping Cats Active

Regular exercise and playtime can help maintain your cat’s overall health and prevent obesity. Obesity is associated with an increased risk of developing urinary tract issues, including struvite crystals. Encouraging physical activity through interactive toys, climbing structures, and regular play sessions can help keep your cat active and reduce the risk of urinary problems.

Increasing Water Intake

Encouraging proper hydration is crucial in preventing struvite crystals. Cats with a higher water intake have a more dilute urine, making it less likely for crystals to form. Providing clean, fresh water in multiple locations throughout the house and considering using water fountains can help entice your cat to drink more water.

Providing an Enriched Environment

Creating an enriched environment for your cat can help reduce stress and promote overall well-being. Stress can contribute to urinary tract issues, including the formation of struvite crystals. Providing environmental enrichment through toys, scratching posts, hiding spots, and vertical spaces can help keep your cat mentally and physically stimulated, reducing the likelihood of stress-related urinary problems.

Reducing Stress

Reducing stress in your cat’s life is essential in preventing urinary tract issues. Stress-inducing factors can include changes in the household routine, introduction of new pets, or any other disruptions to your cat’s environment. Minimizing stressful situations and providing a stable and predictable environment can help prevent the development of struvite crystals.

Properly Setting Up Litter Boxes

Creating an optimal litter box environment is crucial for maintaining good urinary health in cats. Place multiple litter boxes in quiet, easily accessible areas of the house. Ensure that the litter boxes are large enough for your cat to comfortably maneuver and have low sides for easy entry and exit. Using unscented, clumping litter allows for easy detection of changes in urine color, odor, or the presence of blood. Regularly scooping the litter box and providing a clean environment promotes good urinary hygiene and reduces the risk of crystal formation.

By following these preventive measures and providing proper care, you can greatly reduce the likelihood of your cat developing painful struvite crystals. Regular veterinary check-ups and a balanced diet also play crucial roles in maintaining your cat’s urinary tract health. If you notice any symptoms or changes in your cat’s elimination habits, do not hesitate to seek veterinary attention to ensure your cat’s well-being.

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