What to Do if Your Cat Is Sprayed by a Skunk

by beaconpet
What to Do if Your Cat Is Sprayed by a Skunk

If your cat has ever been sprayed by a skunk, you know just how unpleasant the experience can be. Skunk spray is not only pungent but also irritating to the skin, eyes, and lungs. In this article, BEACON PET.COM will guide you through the steps you can take to alleviate the discomfort and get rid of that stubborn skunk smell. From flushing your cat’s eyes to using a homemade de-skunking solution, we’ve got you covered. We’ll also provide tips on how to skunk-proof your yard to prevent future encounters. So, if you’ve ever found yourself in this smelly situation, keep reading for some helpful advice on what to do if your cat is sprayed by a skunk.

What to Do if Your Cat Is Sprayed by a Skunk?

What to Do if Your Cat Is Sprayed by a Skunk


Being a cat owner comes with its fair share of surprises and challenges. One unexpected encounter that you may face is your cat being sprayed by a skunk. Skunk spray can not only be incredibly smelly but also pose potential health risks to your feline friend. In this article, we will discuss what to do if your cat is sprayed by a skunk, including immediate actions, signs of skunk spray, potential health risks, and methods for dealing with the smell. We will also provide tips on preventing skunk encounters in the future.

What Is Skunk Spray?

Skunk spray is a powerful defense mechanism produced in the anal glands of skunks. It is a yellow oil composed of several different compounds, including thiols. Thiols are responsible for the infamous “rotten egg” odor associated with skunk spray. When a skunk feels threatened, it can forcefully spray this liquid up to 15 feet to deter potential predators.

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Immediate Action for Skunked Cat

If your cat gets sprayed by a skunk, it is important to take immediate action to minimize the effects of skunk spray. First and foremost, you should check if your cat’s eyes have been affected. Skunk spray in the eyes can cause redness and irritation. In such cases, it is crucial to flush your cat’s eyes out immediately using safe products, such as over-the-counter sterile eye wash. It is advisable to keep some eye wash readily available if you live in an area with frequent skunk encounters.

Immediate Action for Skunked Cat

If skunk spray gets in your cat’s mouth or nose, you may notice symptoms such as drooling, vomiting, nausea, or sneezing. In rare cases, skunk spray can also lead to serious and acute anemia in cats. If you observe any signs of spray in your cat’s eyes, mouth, or nose, it is recommended to seek veterinary care promptly. Skunks, like many wild mammals, can carry infectious diseases, including rabies. Ensuring that your cat is up-to-date on vaccinations is crucial, and any physical encounter with a skunk should be reported to your veterinarian.

Signs of Skunk Spray in Cat’s Eyes, Mouth, or Nose

When your cat is sprayed by a skunk, there are various signs you may notice in their eyes, mouth, or nose. Redness and irritation in the eyes are common symptoms of skunk spray exposure. Your cat may also experience drooling, vomiting, and nausea if they ingested or inhaled the skunk spray. Sneezing and allergic reactions are also possible. In some rare cases, skunk spray can cause potential anemia in cats. If you observe these signs, it is important to seek veterinary care for proper evaluation and treatment.

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Potential Health Risks

Skunk spray poses potential health risks to both cats and humans. Skunks, like many wild mammals, can carry infectious diseases, including rabies. It is essential to ensure that your cat’s vaccinations are up-to-date to protect them from any potential diseases transmitted by skunks or other wild animals. If you suspect a physical encounter between your cat and a skunk, it is crucial to contact your veterinarian for guidance on necessary steps to take.

Dealing with the Smell

One of the most unpleasant aspects of a skunk encounter is the lingering smell. Dealing with the smell requires thorough and targeted cleaning methods. While traditional remedies like tomato juice have been popular in the past, they may not be as effective as desired. Instead, a homemade solution of one quart of three percent hydrogen peroxide, one quarter cup baking soda, and one to two teaspoons of liquid hand soap can be more effective in de-skunking your cat’s fur. It is important to wear rubber gloves when applying this solution to your cat’s coat and rinse them thoroughly afterward. Avoid leaving the solution on for too long, as prolonged exposure may bleach your cat’s fur. Take precautions to protect your cat’s eyes from the solution, as it can cause irritation. Disposing of the solution properly is also essential, as hydrogen peroxide can explode if left sitting for too long.

Immediate Action for Skunked Cat

If the idea of bathing your cat with the homemade solution seems challenging, the sponge bath technique can be an alternative. Instead of completely dousing your cat with water, use a wet washcloth to dampen their fur and work the solution in. Then, use a fresh wet washcloth to wipe the solution out of your cat’s fur. If only a specific area of your cat’s fur was sprayed, you can focus on treating that area only. Remember to wash your clothes in regular laundry detergent and baking soda if any skunk smell gets on you during the process.

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Alternative Bathing Methods

If your cat is particularly resistant to bathing or the smell is not severe, alternative bathing methods can be used. The sponge bath technique, as mentioned earlier, can be a gentler approach. Instead of immersing your cat in water, use a damp washcloth to dampen their fur, then apply a cat-friendly shampoo and rinse with a fresh washcloth. This method allows for more control and minimizes stress for your cat.

Dampening your cat’s fur with a washcloth and using a fresh washcloth for rinsing can also be an effective alternative. This method allows you to focus on the areas that are affected by skunk spray without overwhelming your cat with a full bath.

Preventing Skunk Encounters

Prevention is key when it comes to skunk encounters. Making your yard less attractive to skunks can help reduce the likelihood of such encounters happening. One effective measure is to secure your outdoor trash receptacles to prevent skunks from accessing them. Skunks are opportunistic feeders and are attracted to easily accessible food sources. Removing cat food bowls at night is also essential, as skunks are attracted to the smell of food. Blocking access to porches or sheds can also prevent skunks from finding these areas desirable for denning. You can use chicken wire or bricks to create barriers and restrict skunk entry.

Preventing Skunk Encounters


Encountering a skunk spray situation with your cat can be a nuisance, but taking immediate action and following the recommended steps can help minimize the impact and risks. Flushing your cat’s eyes, seeking veterinary care if needed, and using effective de-skunking methods are crucial in these situations. Preventing skunk encounters in the future by securing trash receptacles, removing outdoor food bowls, and blocking access to vulnerable areas can help keep your cat safe and skunk-free. Remember to stay prepared and consult with your veterinarian for any specific guidance or concerns regarding skunk encounters and their potential impact on your cat’s health.

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