Where Do Cats Pee From? Explaining Cat Urination

by beaconpet
Where Do Cats Pee From?

If you’ve ever wondered where cats pee from, you’re not alone. It can be a bit confusing to watch them squat down and do their business, making it appear as though they’re peeing from their behind. But the truth is, cats actually have a urethra, just like humans, where the urine is expelled from their bodies. In this article, BeaConPet will break down everything you need to know about cat urination, including the differences between male and female cats. So, let’s clear up the confusion and dive into the fascinating world of cat pee!

Where Do Cats Pee From?

Where Do Cats Pee From?

Explanation of Cat Urination

When it comes to cat urination, it may be a bit confusing to see both male and female cats squatting down and peeing from behind. But in reality, cats do not pee from their butt. Both male and female cats have a urethra, which is responsible for expelling urine from their bodies. While this may sound similar to humans, it’s important to understand the specifics of a cat’s urinary system to fully grasp this process.

Comparison to Human Urination

Humans and cats are both mammals, and their internal systems actually have quite a few similarities. Both species have a urethra, which serves as the exit for urine to leave the body. While it may seem strange that a cat’s urethra is located near the rear of their body, this is simply due to the positioning of their reproductive organs. So, even though it may look like cats are peeing from their butt, they are actually using their urethra. The similarities between cat and human urinary systems make it easier for us to relate and understand a cat’s urination process.

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How Does a Male Cat’s Urinary System Work?

Filters waste through kidneys

A male cat’s urinary system starts with the filtration of waste through their kidneys. Like humans, cats have two kidneys that help remove waste products from their blood. These waste products are then converted into urine, which is crucial for eliminating toxins from the body.

Urine passes through ureter to urinary bladder

Once the urine is formed in the kidneys, it passes through a tube called the ureter. The ureter acts as a pathway for the urine to travel from the kidneys to the urinary bladder. The bladder acts as a storage organ for the urine until the cat is ready to eliminate it.

Passes through prostate before exiting through urethra

From the urinary bladder, the urine then travels through the urethra. However, in male cats, the urethra passes through the prostate gland, which is not present in female cats. The prostate gland does not directly affect the urine or the tubes, but problems with the prostate can potentially cause issues with urination.

How Does a Female Cat’s Urinary System Work?

How Does a Female Cat's Urinary System Work?

Simpler system than male cats

A female cat’s urinary system is generally simpler than that of a male cat. The process starts with the kidneys filtering waste from the blood and producing urine, just like in male cats.

Filters waste through kidneys

Similar to male cats, the waste products are filtered through the kidneys in female cats. The kidneys play a vital role in maintaining the cat’s overall health by removing toxins from the bloodstream.

Urine passes through ureter to urinary bladder

After the urine is produced in the kidneys, it travels through the ureter, which connects the kidneys to the urinary bladder. The urinary bladder serves as a temporary storage organ for the urine until it is ready to be eliminated.

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Exits through urethra below tail

When a female cat is ready to pee, the urine exits her body through the urethra. In female cats, the urethra is located below the tail, which gives the appearance of urine being released from their butt. Understanding this distinction is important to dispel any confusion about where cats pee from.

Similarities between Male and Female Urinary Systems

Both filter waste through kidneys

One of the main similarities between the male and female urinary systems is that both filter waste through their kidneys. The kidneys play a crucial role in maintaining the overall health of a cat by removing waste products from the bloodstream.

Urine passes through ureter to urinary bladder

Another similarity is that both male and female cats have urine that passes through the ureter to reach the urinary bladder. The ureter serves as a pathway for the urine to travel from the kidneys to the bladder, where it is stored until elimination.

Exit through urethra

Both male and female cats have a urethra, which is responsible for the final stage of the urination process. The urine exits the body through the urethra, regardless of the cat’s gender.

Differences between Male and Female Urinary Systems

Presence of prostate in male cats

The main difference between the male and female urinary systems lies in the presence of the prostate gland in male cats. The prostate gland is located along the urethra and can potentially contribute to problems with urination if it becomes enlarged or inflamed.

Factors that Affect Cat Urination

Factors that Affect Cat Urination

Problems with prostate in male cats

As mentioned earlier, problems with the prostate gland can affect a male cat’s urination. Enlargement or inflammation of the prostate can lead to difficulties or discomfort during urination.

Urinary tract infections

Both male and female cats are susceptible to urinary tract infections. These infections can cause pain and discomfort during urination and may require veterinary treatment.

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Bladder stones or blockages

Bladder stones or blockages can also affect a cat’s ability to urinate properly. These obstructions can cause pain, frequent urination, and even lead to a complete blockage of urine flow, which is a medical emergency.

Signs of Urinary Problems in Cats

Frequent urination

If you notice your cat urinating more frequently than usual, it may be a sign of a urinary problem. Increased frequency of urination can indicate a urinary tract infection, bladder stones, or other underlying issues.

Blood in urine

The presence of blood in your cat’s urine is another red flag that something may be amiss with their urinary system. Blood in the urine can indicate a urinary tract infection, bladder stones, or a more serious condition that requires veterinary attention.

Straining or difficulty urinating

If your cat appears to be straining or having difficulty urinating, it is important to monitor their behavior closely. Straining, along with other symptoms like vocalization or discomfort during urination, may indicate a blockage or other urinary problem.

How to Keep Cat’s Urinary System Healthy

Provide fresh water

One of the simplest ways to promote a healthy urinary system for your cat is to provide them with fresh water at all times. Cats need to stay hydrated to maintain proper kidney function and prevent urinary issues.

Feed a balanced diet

Diet plays a significant role in a cat’s urinary health. It is crucial to feed your cat a balanced diet that meets their nutritional needs. Discuss the appropriate diet with your veterinarian to ensure your cat’s urinary system remains healthy.

Keep litter box clean

A clean litter box is essential for maintaining your cat’s urinary health. Regularly scooping and changing the litter will encourage your cat to use the box and prevent the buildup of bacteria or other contaminants that can lead to urinary issues.

When to Seek Veterinary Care

When to Seek Veterinary Care

Persistent urinary problems

If your cat is experiencing persistent urinary problems, such as frequent urination, blood in the urine, or straining to urinate, it is important to seek veterinary care. These symptoms can indicate a more serious underlying condition that requires professional diagnosis and treatment.

Visible discomfort during urination

If your cat shows signs of visible discomfort while urinating, it is a clear indication that something is wrong. Do not ignore these signs and consult with your veterinarian to determine the cause and appropriate treatment options.


Understanding a cat’s urinary system is essential for cat owners to maintain their pets’ urinary health. While both male and female cats have a urethra, male cats have the added presence of a prostate gland. Factors such as prostate problems, urinary tract infections, and bladder stones can impact a cat’s urination. Knowing the signs of urinary problems and taking preventative measures, such as providing fresh water, a balanced diet, and a clean litter box, can help promote a healthy urinary system for your cat. If you notice persistent urinary problems or visible discomfort during urination, it is crucial to seek veterinary care to address any underlying issues and ensure your cat’s well-being.

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