Why Cats Get Clingy Around Pregnant Women

by beaconpet
Why Cats Get Clingy Around Pregnant Women

If you’ve ever wondered why your cat becomes extra clingy when you’re pregnant, you’re not alone. Many cat owners have reported this phenomenon, and there are a few possible explanations for it. Cats have a keen sense of smell and can detect hormonal changes in your body, which may make them more attentive to you during pregnancy. Additionally, your cat may notice physical changes in your appearance, such as a growing belly, and may feel the need to be close to you for comfort and reassurance. Another factor could be your increased body temperature, as cats are naturally drawn to warm bodies. Whatever the reason, it’s clear that your furry friend is picking up on the changes happening in your body during pregnancy. Let’s explore the article “Why Cats Get Clingy Around Pregnant Women” with the Beacon pet now!

The 4 Reasons Why Cats Get Clingy Around Pregnant Women

The 4 Reasons Why Cats Get Clingy Around Pregnant Women

They Notice the Bump

As your pregnancy progresses and your belly begins to grow, your cat may start to notice the physical changes in your appearance. Cats are known for their keen observation skills, and they can pick up on even the subtlest changes in their surroundings. You may notice that your cat stares at your belly or sniffs it curiously. Some cats may even place a paw on your bump, as if they are trying to confirm that it’s still you. While they may sense that something has changed, they may not fully understand the reason behind it.

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They Smell Hormonal Changes

Cats have an incredibly strong sense of smell, and this could be another reason why they become clingy around pregnant women. During pregnancy, there are significant hormonal changes happening in your body. You begin to produce more progesterone, estrogen, and human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). While it’s not yet clear if cats can specifically detect these hormone changes through their sense of smell, it’s possible that they pick up on the subtle shifts in your personal scent. Cats have up to 200 million odor sensors in their noses, compared to the mere 5 million odor sensors in humans, so it’s no wonder that they can detect even the slightest changes.

Why Cats Get Clingy Around Pregnant Women: They Smell Hormonal Changes

You Get Warmer

When you become pregnant, your body undergoes various physiological changes. One of these changes is an increase in blood volume, which can raise your body temperature by about 0.2 degrees Fahrenheit. While this may seem insignificant to us, it could be one way that cats detect pregnancy. Cats are naturally drawn to warmth and often seek out cozy spots to cuddle up. As your body temperature rises, your cat may feel even more attracted to you and may choose to lie down next to you or even place a paw on your pregnant belly to soak up the warmth.

Other Noticeable Changes

In addition to physical changes, there may also be other noticeable differences that cats pick up on when you’re pregnant. Cats are highly perceptive animals and can sense changes in your behavior, body chemistry, posture, and appearance. They may notice subtle changes in your body language or movements that clue them into the significant changes happening within your body. While it’s not fully understood how cats interpret these changes, it’s clear that they are observant and can sense that something is different.

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Why Cats Get Clingy Around Pregnant Women: Other Noticeable Changes

The 3 Tips to Prepare Your Cat to Meet the New Baby

Make Changes Early

Preparing your cat for the arrival of a new baby is crucial for a smooth transition. Start making changes to your home environment early on, gradually introducing new furniture and baby items. Sudden and drastic changes could stress out your cat, so it’s best to take things slowly. Consider closing doors to rooms where you don’t want your cat to roam or sleep once the baby arrives. This will prevent your cat from feeling frustrated or locked out. Cats rely heavily on their sense of smell, so it’s important to let them investigate and familiarize themselves with the new scents by rubbing their own scent onto the baby items, like blankets and outfits. Making gradual changes and giving your cat time to adjust will help avoid any unnecessary stress.

Pay Attention to Your Cat

Once the baby arrives, your attention will naturally shift towards the new addition to your family. However, it’s important to continue giving your cat the attention it needs. Cats can become anxious or frustrated if they feel neglected, and this could lead to behavioral changes or even stress-related health issues. Watch out for signs of stress, such as hiding more, withdrawing from affection, or seeking excessive attention. If you notice any concerning changes in your cat’s behavior, reach out to your veterinarian for advice on how to help your cat cope with the changes.

The 3 Tips to Prepare Your Cat to Meet the New Baby: Pay Attention to Your Cat

Try Desensitization

Desensitization is another helpful technique to prepare your cat for the presence of a new baby. Play recordings of various baby sounds, such as cries, laughter, and whimpers, to acclimate your cat to these noises. This will help them become familiar with the sounds and reduce any anxiety or stress they may feel when encountering them in real life. Additionally, let your cat sniff the baby’s blankets and outfits in the first few days at home to familiarize them with the baby’s scent. This will help establish a positive association and bond between your cat and the new baby.

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Wrapping Things Up

It’s not uncommon for cats to exhibit clingy behavior around pregnant women. While there is no definitive scientific evidence to explain this phenomenon, there are several plausible reasons why cats become more attached during pregnancy. They may notice the physical changes, detect hormonal shifts through their keen sense of smell, seek out warmth as your body temperature rises, and sense other noticeable changes in your behavior and appearance. To ensure a smooth transition for your cat when the new baby arrives, it’s important to make changes early, pay attention to your cat’s needs, and try desensitization techniques. By taking these steps, you can help your cat adjust to the changes and create a harmonious environment for everyone in the family.

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