Why Do Cats Chew on Things?

by beaconpet
Common Reasons Cats Chew on Things

Cats, adorable and independent creatures, have a special habit of chewing on things. From electrical wires to houseplants and even your favorite leather jacket, there seems to be no limit to their tiny jaws. Although it may seem harmless or even adorable at times, excessive chewing in cats can actually be dangerous and harmful. So why do cats chew things? Well, there are a number of reasons – boredom, underlying medical conditions and teething are just a few of the possibilities. In this article, Beaconpet will explore the reasons behind this behavior and provide some tips on how to prevent it. So grab a cup of tea and prepare to gain insight into the fascinating world of cat chewing.

Common Reasons Cats Chew on Things

Common Reasons Cats Chew on Things

Cats are quirky creatures, and sometimes they have the tendency to chew on things that aren’t meant to be chewed. While a little bit of chewing is normal, excessive chewing can be a cause for concern. There are several common reasons why cats chew on things, which we will explore in this article. By understanding these reasons, you can better address the behavior and provide appropriate solutions.


One of the most common reasons why cats chew on things is boredom. Cats are intelligent animals, and if they don’t have enough mental or physical stimulation, they may resort to chewing on objects to entertain themselves. This behavior is often seen in indoor cats who don’t have access to the outdoors or who don’t have enough toys and activities to keep them occupied.

To prevent boredom-related chewing, make sure your cat has plenty of toys and interactive playtime. Providing puzzle toys, treat-dispensing toys, and regular play sessions can help stimulate their minds and keep them entertained.


Just like human babies, kittens go through a teething phase as their adult teeth start to come in. During this time, they may experience discomfort and a strong urge to chew to alleviate the pain. It’s important to provide appropriate chew toys for teething kittens to satisfy their chewing needs.

Plastic drinking straws can be a great option for teething kittens, as they are soft and safe for them to chew on. Make sure to supervise your kitten while they are chewing to ensure they don’t swallow any small pieces.

Anxiety or Stress

Another reason why cats may chew on things is anxiety or stress. Cats are sensitive animals and can easily become stressed by changes in their environment, such as moving to a new home, the introduction of a new pet, or loud noises. Chewing on objects can be a coping mechanism for cats to relieve their anxiety.

If you suspect that your cat’s chewing behavior is driven by stress, it’s important to address the underlying cause. Provide a safe and comfortable space for your cat where they can retreat and feel secure. You can also try using pheromone diffusers or calming sprays to create a soothing environment for your cat.

Medical Issues

In some cases, chewing behavior in cats can be a sign of underlying medical issues. Some potential medical conditions that can cause chewing include gum disease, digestive issues, and periodontal disease. These conditions can lead to discomfort or pain, causing cats to seek relief through chewing.

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If you notice that your cat is chewing excessively or experiencing other symptoms such as bad breath or changes in appetite, it’s important to consult with your veterinarian. They can perform a thorough examination and recommend appropriate treatment for any underlying medical issues.

Potential Medical Conditions that Cause Chewing

While some chewing behavior is normal for cats, excessive chewing can be a sign of underlying medical conditions. It’s important to be aware of these potential medical conditions so you can seek proper veterinary care if needed.

Gum Disease

Gum disease, also known as periodontal disease, is a common dental problem in cats. It occurs when plaque and tartar build up on the teeth, leading to inflammation and infection of the gums. Cats with gum disease may experience pain or discomfort, which can drive them to chew on objects to alleviate the discomfort.

If your cat has bad breath, red or swollen gums, or difficulty eating, it’s important to have their dental health checked by a veterinarian. They may need a professional dental cleaning and treatment to address the gum disease.

Digestive Issues

Digestive issues can also cause cats to chew on things. If a cat has an upset stomach or gastrointestinal problems, they may chew on objects in an attempt to settle their stomach or relieve their discomfort. It’s important to identify and address any underlying digestive issues to prevent excessive chewing behavior.

If your cat is experiencing frequent vomiting, diarrhea, or changes in appetite, it’s important to consult with your veterinarian. They can perform diagnostic tests to determine the underlying cause of the digestive issues and recommend appropriate treatment.

Periodontal Disease

Periodontal disease is another dental condition that can cause chewing in cats. It affects the tissues surrounding the teeth, including the gums and supporting structures. Cats with periodontal disease may experience pain, tooth loss, and inflammation, leading them to chew on objects for relief.

Regular dental care, including brushing your cat’s teeth and scheduling regular dental cleanings with your veterinarian, can help prevent and manage periodontal disease. If your cat shows signs of dental issues such as drooling, bleeding gums, or difficulty eating, consult with your veterinarian for proper diagnosis and treatment.

Common Chewing Targets for Cats

Common Chewing Targets for Cats

Cats can chew on a variety of objects, but there are some common targets that are more likely to attract their attention. By identifying these chewing targets, you can take steps to prevent your cat from damaging your belongings.

Wires and Cords

One of the most common chewing targets for cats is wires and cords. The texture and movement of cords can be irresistibly enticing to cats, and they may chew on them out of curiosity or boredom. However, chewing on cords can be extremely dangerous and may lead to electrical shocks or injuries.

To protect your cat and your cords, make sure to cover and hide cords as much as possible. Use cord concealers or cord covers to prevent your cat from accessing them. You can also try using bitter apple spray or other deterrents on the cords to make them taste unappealing to your cat.


Houseplants can also be tempting chewing targets for cats. Cats may be attracted to the texture or taste of certain plants, leading them to chew on the leaves or stems. However, many houseplants are toxic to cats, and ingesting them can cause serious health issues.

To prevent your cat from chewing on houseplants, it’s best to remove any toxic plants from your home. Instead, provide your cat with safe and non-toxic indoor plants that they can enjoy without any risk. You can also create designated play areas and provide plenty of toys and scratching posts to redirect their chewing behavior.

Fabric or Leather Items

Fabric and leather items, such as furniture, curtains, or clothing, can be tempting chewing targets for cats. The texture of these items can be satisfying for their chewing needs. However, chewing on fabric or leather can lead to costly damage and ruined belongings.

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To protect your fabric and leather items, provide your cat with appropriate chew toys to redirect their chewing behavior. Make sure to discourage them from chewing on household items by using deterrents, such as bitter apple spray or double-sided tape. Additionally, provide plenty of scratching posts and provide regular nail trims to keep their claws in good shape, which can reduce their desire to chew on fabric.

Methods to Prevent Chewing

If you’re dealing with a cat who chews excessively, there are several methods you can try to prevent this behavior. By providing appropriate alternatives and modifying the environment, you can redirect your cat’s chewing instincts and protect your belongings.

Provide Alternative Toys

One of the most effective ways to prevent chewing is to provide your cat with plenty of appropriate chew toys. Look for toys that are specifically designed for cats and have different textures and materials. Experiment with different types of toys, such as interactive puzzle toys, treat-dispensing toys, or plush toys, to find what your cat enjoys the most.

Rotate the toys regularly to keep your cat interested and engaged. By providing a variety of toys, you can satisfy their chewing needs and reduce the likelihood of them seeking out inappropriate objects to chew on.

Cover and Hide Cords

To protect your cat and your cords, it’s important to cover and hide cords as much as possible. Use cord concealers or cord covers to prevent your cat from accessing them. For cords that are difficult to hide, such as those behind entertainment centers or desks, consider using cord protectors or PVC pipes to create barriers between the cords and your cat.

Make Cords Taste Bad

If covering or hiding cords is not enough to prevent your cat from chewing on them, you can try making the cords taste bad. There are commercial bitter apple sprays available that can be sprayed on the cords to deter your cat from chewing. Alternatively, you can try applying a small amount of vinegar or citrus juice to the cords, as cats generally dislike these scents and tastes.

Before using any deterrents on cords, make sure to test them on a small, inconspicuous area to ensure they won’t damage your cords or leave a residue.

Remove Toxic Plants

To prevent your cat from chewing on toxic plants, it’s best to remove any toxic plants from your home. Educate yourself on common houseplants that are toxic to cats, such as lilies, philodendrons, or snake plants, and make sure they are out of your cat’s reach.

Instead, provide your cat with safe and non-toxic indoor plants that they can enjoy without any risk. Cat grass or catnip can be great alternatives that can satisfy their chewing instincts in a safe and controlled manner.

Tips for Dealing with Teething Kittens

Tips for Dealing with Teething Kittens

Teething is a natural process for kittens, but it can be a challenging time for both the kitten and the owner. If you have a teething kitten, here are some tips to help manage their chewing behavior and provide relief.

Use Plastic Drinking Straws

Plastic drinking straws can be a great option for teething kittens. They are soft and safe for them to chew on, providing relief for their sore gums. Make sure to supervise your kitten while they are chewing to ensure they don’t swallow any small pieces.

You can offer plastic drinking straws as standalone chew toys or incorporate them into interactive play. Dragging a straw on the ground or dangling it in the air can engage your kitten’s hunting instincts and provide them with a fun and safe chewing experience.

Provide Chew Toys

In addition to plastic drinking straws, it’s important to provide a variety of chew toys for teething kittens. Look for toys that are specifically designed for kittens and have different textures and shapes. Soft, fabric-based toys or rubber toys with textured surfaces can provide relief for their sore gums and satisfy their chewing needs.

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Make sure to monitor the condition of the chew toys and replace them if they become worn or damaged. Avoid giving kittens toys that are too small or have small parts that can be easily swallowed, as this can pose a choking hazard.

Training Techniques to Discourage Chewing

While providing appropriate alternatives is important for managing chewing behavior, training techniques can also be effective in discouraging cats from chewing on inappropriate objects. Positive reinforcement techniques can help redirect your cat’s behavior and reinforce good habits.

Clicker Training

Clicker training can be an effective method to discourage chewing behavior in cats. This training technique involves using a clicker, a small handheld device that makes a clicking sound, to mark desired behaviors. By associating the click with a reward, such as treats or playtime, you can teach your cat what behaviors are acceptable and what behaviors are not.

To use clicker training to discourage chewing, wait for your cat to start chewing on an appropriate object, such as a chew toy, and immediately click the clicker and reward them with a treat. Repeat this process consistently, and eventually, your cat will learn that chewing on the appropriate object is rewarding.

Positive Reinforcement Techniques

In addition to clicker training, positive reinforcement techniques can be used to discourage chewing behavior. Whenever you catch your cat chewing on an appropriate object, praise and reward them with treats or playtime. This positive reinforcement will help reinforce the behavior you want and discourage them from chewing on inappropriate objects.

It’s important to be consistent and patient with these training techniques. Cats learn through repetition and positive experiences, so make sure to provide plenty of opportunities for your cat to practice good chewing habits and reward them consistently.

Consequences of Excessive Chewing in Cats

Excessive chewing in cats can have several consequences, both for the cat and their surroundings. It’s important to be aware of these consequences and take appropriate measures to address the behavior.

Potential Danger to the Cat

Chewing on inappropriate objects can pose a potential danger to cats. Wires and cords, in particular, can be hazardous and may lead to electrical shocks or injuries if chewed. Ingesting small objects or parts of chewed items can also result in choking or gastrointestinal blockages, requiring immediate veterinary intervention.

By providing appropriate chew toys and taking steps to prevent your cat from accessing hazardous objects, you can help protect them from potential dangers.

Potential Damage to Belongings

Another consequence of excessive chewing in cats is the potential damage to your belongings. Chewing on fabric, leather, or other household items can lead to costly repairs or replacements. It’s important to address the behavior early on and provide appropriate alternatives to prevent further damage.

By following the methods to prevent chewing mentioned earlier in this article, you can redirect your cat’s chewing instincts and protect your belongings from damage. Providing plenty of enrichment and mental stimulation can also help reduce boredom-related chewing and prevent further destruction of your belongings.

What NOT to Do When Dealing with Cat Chewing

What NOT to Do When Dealing with Cat Chewing

When dealing with cat chewing, it’s important to remember what not to do. Here are some common approaches that should be avoided when addressing this behavior:

Hitting or Yelling at Cats

Physical punishment, such as hitting or yelling at cats, is not an effective or humane way to address chewing behavior. Punishing cats for chewing on inappropriate objects can lead to fear, anxiety, and aggression. It can also damage the trust between you and your cat.

Instead of resorting to punishment, focus on positive reinforcement and redirection techniques. By providing appropriate alternatives and rewarding good behavior, you can effectively teach your cat what is acceptable and what is not.

In conclusion, understanding the common reasons why cats chew on things can help you address and prevent this behavior in your feline friend. Whether it’s boredom, teething, anxiety, or a medical condition, there are various methods and techniques that can help redirect your cat’s chewing instincts and protect both your cat and your belongings. By providing appropriate alternatives, using positive reinforcement techniques, and creating a safe and engaging environment, you can promote healthy chewing habits for your cat and ensure their well-being.

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