Why Is My Cat Shaking When It Purrs? 4 Vet-Reviewed Reasons

by beaconpet
The 4 Reasons Your Cat Is Shaking While They Purr

Have you ever noticed your cat shaking while it purrs? It can be a little concerning, but luckily, there are a few possible reasons for this behavior that have been reviewed by veterinarians. In this article, BeaConPet will explore four of these reasons and what you can do about them. From happy purring to cold temperatures, stress, and pain, understanding why your cat shakes when it purrs can provide you with valuable insights into their well-being. So, let’s dive in and explore these vet-reviewed reasons for your cat’s shaking purrs!

The 4 Reasons Your Cat Is Shaking While They Purr

The 4 Reasons Your Cat Is Shaking While They Purr

1. Your Cat is Happy

When it comes to understanding our feline friends, things can get a little complicated. Cats are mysterious creatures, and their behaviors and sounds often leave us with more questions than answers. One common behavior that has puzzled many cat owners is the shaking that can occur while a cat is purring. Surprisingly, one of the reasons behind this shaking is simply happiness. While it may seem odd that a cat would shake when they are content, it is actually quite common.

Case for anthropomorphizing

As cat owners, it’s natural for us to project human emotions onto our pets. We often anthropomorphize, or attribute human qualities to animals, in an attempt to understand their behaviors better. In this case, when a cat is purring and shaking, we may assume they are experiencing a sense of joy and excitement similar to how we might shake with happiness. While we should be cautious about anthropomorphizing our pets, in this instance, it can be an indication that your cat is indeed happy.

No need to worry if cat is happy and shaking

If your cat is purring and shaking, and there are no other signs of distress or discomfort, there is no need to worry. It is simply their way of expressing their contentment. Cats have different ways of showing their happiness, and shaking while purring is just one of them. Enjoy the moment and appreciate the fact that your feline friend is feeling good.

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Normal behavior

Shaking while purring is considered a normal behavior for many cats. Just like humans may have certain idiosyncrasies when they are happy or excited, cats may have their own unique ways of expressing their joy. It’s important to remember that every cat is different, and what may be normal for one cat may not be for another. As long as your cat is healthy, active, and showing no signs of distress, shaking while purring is nothing to be concerned about.

2. Your Cat is Cold

Your Cat is Cold

Cats may be known for their independent nature, but they still experience discomfort just like we do. One reason your cat may be shaking while purring is because they are feeling cold. Cats seek warmth and often curl up in cozy spots to stay warm. However, sometimes this isn’t enough, especially for hairless breeds or senior cats who may have less insulation.

Cats can get cold too

Contrary to popular belief, cats can indeed get cold. While they may have a furry coat, some cats are more susceptible to the cold than others. Hairless cats, for example, lack that extra layer of protection and are more prone to feeling chilly. Senior cats may also have weaker immune systems and struggle to regulate their body temperature, making them more susceptible to the cold.

Indicators of a cold cat

If your cat is shaking while purring, take a moment to assess their environment. Are they exposed to cold drafts or sitting on a cold surface? Do they show signs of seeking warmth, such as curling up in tight spaces or seeking out heat sources? These can all be signs that your cat is feeling cold and may need some extra warmth.

Providing additional heat sources

To help your cat stay warm, consider providing additional heat sources. Cat sweaters, heating pads, and extra heaters can all help create a cozy environment for your feline friend. Elevating your cat’s bed off the cold floor or moving it away from drafty areas can also make a difference. Additionally, feeding your cat more during the winter can provide them with extra calories to help maintain their body temperature.

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Feeding more during winter

During the winter months, cats may need more calories to stay warm. Consider feeding your cat slightly more than usual to help provide them with the energy they need. Warm wet food or chicken broth can also help warm their body from the inside out. Just make sure the broth is sodium-free and safe for cats to consume.

Checking cat’s temperature

If you suspect your cat is constantly cold, it may be worth checking their temperature. A normal cat’s body temperature should range from 99.5°F–102.5°F. If your cat’s temperature consistently falls below 99.5°F, it may be a sign of an underlying health issue and should be addressed by a veterinarian.

3. Your Cat is Stressed

Your Cat is Stressed

Stress can affect cats just as much as it affects humans, and it can manifest in various ways, including through purring and shaking. Cats may purr when they are stressed or scared as a way to self-soothe and cope with their emotions. Understanding the root cause of your cat’s stress can help you provide the necessary support and create a more harmonious environment for them.

Reasons cats purr when stressed

Cats may purr when they are stressed for a variety of reasons. Changes in their environment, such as moving to a new home or the addition of a new family member (human or animal), can trigger stress. Loud noises, unfamiliar smells, and disruptions to their daily routine can also contribute to stress in cats.

Providing a safe space

One of the best things you can do to help a stressed cat is to provide them with a safe space. This can be a room or a designated corner of your house where your cat can retreat to when they need some peace and quiet. Make sure the space is warm, free from problematic pets or external stressors, and has a comfortable bed or cat tree for your cat to relax on. Allowing your cat to have their own safe space can help them feel more secure and reduce their stress levels.

Creating a routine

Cats thrive on routine and predictability. Establishing a daily routine for your cat can provide them with a sense of stability and help alleviate stress. Set consistent meal times and playtime sessions to give your cat something to look forward to. This not only helps reduce stress but also strengthens the bond between you and your furry companion.

Trying Feliway, a synthetic cat pheromone

Feliway is a synthetic cat pheromone that can help soothe stressed cats. It comes in the form of diffusers, sprays, or wipes and can be used to create a calming environment for your cat. Feliway mimics the natural facial pheromones that cats use to mark their territory as safe and familiar. While it may not work for every cat, many cat owners have found success with Feliway in reducing stress and restoring harmony in their homes.

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Making adjustments to restore harmony

If your cat is shaking while purring due to stress, it’s important to identify the underlying cause and make necessary adjustments. Whether it’s providing a safe space, establishing a routine, or using synthetic pheromones, finding solutions to reduce your cat’s stress levels can make a significant difference in their overall well-being.

4. Your Cat Is in Pain

Your Cat Is in Pain

One of the less pleasant reasons your cat may be shaking while purring is due to pain. Cats are masters at hiding their discomfort, making it challenging for owners to recognize when they are in pain. However, purring while experiencing pain can be a sign that something is not right.

Cats can hide their pain

Cats are instinctively inclined to hide their pain. This behavior dates back to their wild ancestors, who needed to appear strong and healthy in order to survive in the wild. As a result, cats may not show overt signs of pain, making it important for pet owners to be vigilant and observant.

Identifying pain through purring

Purring is often associated with happiness and contentment in cats. However, it can also be a way for cats to self-soothe when they are in pain. If your cat is shaking while purring and showing other signs of discomfort, such as a change in appetite, lethargy, or aggression, it’s crucial to pay attention and take action.

Making an appointment with the vet

If you suspect your cat is in pain, it is best to make an appointment with your veterinarian as soon as possible. A thorough examination can help identify the underlying cause of your cat’s pain and determine the appropriate course of treatment. Remember, it’s always better to err on the side of caution when it comes to your cat’s health and well-being.

Providing extra comfort for the cat

While waiting for your vet appointment, there are steps you can take to provide some extra comfort for your cat. Ensure they have a warm and comfortable bed to rest in, away from cold drafts or uncomfortable surfaces. Gentle massages or applying heat pads (if recommended by your vet) can also help alleviate some of the pain and provide temporary relief until professional help is available.

Wrapping It Up

Cats are fascinating creatures, and understanding their behaviors and needs can be a lifelong journey. If your cat is shaking while purring, don’t panic. Take the time to observe their environment, assess their overall health, and consider the possible reasons behind their behavior. Consistency is key with cats, so establishing routines and providing a safe and warm environment can go a long way in promoting their well-being. And remember, when in doubt, always consult with your veterinarian for guidance and reassurance. Your cat’s health and happiness should always come first.

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