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If you’re a cat owner who loves having live houseplants and a beautiful garden, it’s important to know which plants could potentially be harmful to your feline friend. One plant that often raises questions is Jasmine. With numerous species and variations, it can be challenging to determine whether Jasmine is toxic to cats. In this article, BeaConPet will explore the different types of Jasmine, their toxicity levels, and provide helpful information for keeping your furry companion safe around these popular plants.
Types of Jasmine
Jasmine is a beautiful and fragrant plant that many people love to have in their homes and gardens. However, it’s important to know that not all types of Jasmine are safe for cats. There are several different types of Jasmine, each with its own characteristics and potential toxicity to cats.
True Jasmine
True Jasmine refers to the plants in the Jasminum genus. According to the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, there are 12 separate species of true Jasmine. The good news is that true Jasmine is not toxic to cats. The ASPCA’s poison control website confirms that all species in the Jasminum genus are considered non-toxic to pets. So if you have true Jasmine in your home or garden, you can rest assured that it won’t harm your furry friends.
Star Jasmine
Star Jasmine, also known as Trachelospermum jasminoides, is another popular variety of Jasmine. Despite its name, Star Jasmine is not actually a true Jasmine. It is native to China and is often used as an ornamental plant in gardens. The good news is that Star Jasmine is also non-toxic to pets, including cats. So if you want to include Star Jasmine in your home or garden, you can do so without worry.
Jessamine Toxicity
While true Jasmine and Star Jasmine are safe for cats, there is one type of Jasmine that is toxic and should be avoided if you have cats. This is Carolina Jessamine, also known as “false Jasmine.” Despite its name, Carolina Jessamine is not a true Jasmine and is not part of the Jasminum genus.
Carolina Jessamine contains hazardous neurotoxins such as alkaloids, gelsemine, and sempervirens. If a cat consumes any part of the Jessamine plant, including flowers, stems, leaves, or roots, it can lead to severe symptoms such as paralysis, decreased respiratory rate, weakness, hypothermia, difficulty swallowing, vision problems, seizures, or even death.
It’s important to be aware of the difference between Carolina Jessamine and true Jasmine to ensure the safety of your feline friends.
Symptoms of Jessamine Poisoning
If your cat has ingested Carolina Jessamine, it’s important to watch for any signs of poisoning. Some common symptoms of Jessamine poisoning in cats include:
- Paralysis
- Decreased respiratory rate
- Weakness
- Hypothermia
- Difficulty swallowing
- Vision problems
- Seizures
- Death
If you notice any of these symptoms in your cat and suspect Jessamine poisoning, it’s crucial to seek immediate veterinary care. Time is of the essence when dealing with plant toxins, and quick action can make a difference in your cat’s outcome.
Other Plants Commonly Called Jasmine
Apart from Carolina Jessamine, there are several other plants that are commonly referred to as Jasmine but are not true Jasminum genus. It’s important to differentiate between these plants to avoid confusion and ensure the safety of your cats.
- Brazilian Jasmine: Brazilian Jasmine is an ornamental plant that can be grown indoors or outdoors. It is non-toxic to cats, but if consumed in large quantities, it can cause digestive upset.
- Chilean Jasmine: Chilean Jasmine is another ornamental plant found in temperate regions. Like Brazilian Jasmine, it is non-toxic to cats but may cause digestive upset if ingested in large quantities.
- Madagascar Jasmine: Madagascar Jasmine is a house and garden plant with pure white flowers. It is non-toxic to cats and other pets.
- Night-Flowering Jasmine: Night-Flowering Jasmine is an outdoor garden plant and should not be confused with Night-Blooming Jessamine. It is non-toxic to cats and other pets.
- Cape Jasmine: Cape Jasmine is a garden plant found in subtropical and tropical areas. While the fruits are often used as yellow dye for food and clothing, this plant is toxic to cats due to the presence of hasgeniposides and gardenosides, which can lead to severe digestive upset.
- Red Jasmine: Red Jasmine is a garden tree or plant that is toxic to cats. It contains poisonous alkaloids that can cause diarrhea, vomiting, and excessive salivation.
- Night-Blooming Jessamine: Night-Blooming Jessamine is a subtropical ornamental plant with strongly scented flowers. All parts of the plant, including the berries and flowers, are toxic to humans and animals like cats. Ingestion can lead to severe symptoms such as diarrhea, vomiting, weakness, lethargy, and confusion.
- Crape Jasmine: Crape Jasmine is a houseplant with attractive foliage and flowers. It is toxic to cats due to its indole alkaloids, which can cause heart damage, paralysis, and delirium.
In conclusion, not all types of Jasmine are safe for cats. True Jasmine, as well as Star Jasmine, are non-toxic and can be safely enjoyed in your home or garden. However, Carolina Jessamine and other plants commonly referred to as Jasmine can be toxic to cats and should be avoided. It’s crucial to know the difference and ensure the safety of your feline friends. If you suspect your cat has ingested a toxic plant, whether it’s Jasmine or any other plant, it’s important to contact your veterinarian for immediate care. Your veterinarian will be able to provide the necessary treatment and guidance to ensure your cat’s well-being.